I came home the other day to find a full bottle of water and an untouched bowl of food in Betty's cage (very un-Betty-like. She loved to eat >.<), and she was in the exact same spot she was in the day before... They day before this, I went outside to feed them (I have another rabbit named Princess), and she ran into her den, and layed down and didnt come back out for food, and she usually runs up to the gate of her cage and lets me know how mad she is at me for letting her food bowl get empty, and how her waters all warm and yucky (thats florida for you). I couldnt bring my self to get her out of the cage so I had to send my dad out to do it (and I want to be a vet, go figure -_-). But since then, I think Princess knows that Betty's not around any more, even though they never got along (especially since Princess got cateracts in one eye). She's kinda mopey, and not as excited to see me when I go out to see her... Any way to make her feel better?

Also, heres a pic of Betty. She kinda looks like Thumper in this one lol. There was another pic I wanted to use, but I cant find it >.<

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