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Welcome to hell. My name is [Mizuki Mist Hanazaki]. I am currently [13 and Female]. I have ten fingers and toes, just like you. Anything different? No, not yet. But soon, you'll have zero, and I'll have been called [shy, crazy at times, protective]. How's that for Hell? Want more? More is what you'll get. Have you ever seen [music, sweets, friends] and [snow, bugs, dead friends] in one person? I think now, I'll have to kill you. Cue [`Dear You Bond/ Kizuna`], darling. It's time to roll, b***h.

Living as we know it...

Mizuki was born in the village of Himanazawa. She is the only daughter of her family of Hanazaki's. Mizuki believes that she was born for a reason. She acts all bored and not interested around some people when she actually is. When Mizuki was born her family loved that fact that they had a girl. Unlike most families Mizuki's parents loved that she was a girl first then a boy. When Mizuki turned 5 she started to attend the school in the village. She loves to make friends but then she sometimes doesn't want to make friends.

When Mizuki turned the wonderful age of 10 she started to act different. She started to talk to herself as if someone was their with her when no one was. She always talks to herself nowadays. Mizuki pretends that she doesn't talk to herself when she is around her friends but when she is at home she talks to herself like no tomorrow. When she turned 17 she finally fully believed that the girl she talks to is a friend to help her in life. She named the girl Freya. She loves to talk to the girl. She tries to get her parents and friends to see her but they cant see Freya so she pretends that Freya isn't there when she is around family and friends. Mizuki is now 17 still. She has wonderful friends who she gets along well with and she attends school. Her parents died when she 4 years old and has been living alone ever since.

MarMar Mariette
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Welcome to hell. My name is [Ira Kurosaki]. I am currently [Thirteen and Female]. I have ten fingers and toes, just like you. Anything different? No, not yet. But soon, you'll have zero, and I'll have been called [Diabolical, Energetic, and hard to deal with]. How's that for Hell? Want more? More is what you'll get. Have you ever seen [sea Turtles, Sneaking around, and playing Diabolical ploys] and [Getting caught, being called a Liar, zucchini] in one person? I think now, I'll have to kill you. Cue [`Go Away`], darling. It's time to roll, b***h.

Living as we know it...

Ira was born in Okinoyama, but both parents originally from Himanazawa. They ran from Himanazawa, because they felt they were both being institutionalized by the whole area. Everyone treated them slightly differently, and not quite in a good way. Some gave them the cold shoulder, and others just looked away in awe for no particular reason. Having their child in the village seemed like a horrifying idea, because of the way they were treated. Who knew how they would go upon their child? Taking their sweet time to tend to this newborn, in another village upsetted Oyashiro-sama deeply. Both mother and father felt it, yet did not return. He got angrier and angrier, soon forcing them to act crazy as hell, which in turn, hurt little Ira.

Since both committed suicide to leave their daughter alone in the world, she was given back to the community of Himanazawa to be taken care of by them. No one ever acknowledged of her parents ever existing, nor did she try to ask. It was more of a silent, `forbidden` talk around the small child. At age three, she knew not to ask of it, the hard way.
`Who are my parents, obatcha?` That caused a heart attack, and a slap across the mouth. `We don't talk about that, child.`

Many girls in the classroom stayed clear of her, only because they had heard their parents talking negatively about her. Quite cruel, don't you think? `Such a waste of time...` `Why is she even here?` I hear she's the people who left's baby...` `I heard she is disowned by Oyashiro-sama himself, because of her parents`.

When she was nine, when the `mishappenings` on Wataganashi started, she heard the screams of the first couple who died from her bedroom, running a chill up and down her spine and all over her body. What else would you expect from a child if you heard a scream in the dead of night? Not saying anything of it, everyone had heard about the now-dead young lovers. The man was the bus stop, with his neck bloodied and strewn all over the area, like he had tried to claw his throat out. His fiancѐ was no where to be found, and still couldn't be found a year later.

Ira's story goes on, with her `grandmother` dying, and an uncle comes to stay with her, to take care of the house so they can live somewhat-normally in Himanazawa.

____________________________________________________MarMar Mariette______________