Hey, does anybody have the books for Alternity? I know it's not a new game or anything.

For those who don't know, Alternity was a Modern/Future Science Fiction RPG published by TSR in their final years. While it clearly shows its pedigree in AD&D2e, it shows a number of elements that carried into 3rd edition D&D, primarily the universal direction for rolls(low were all good in Alternity) and the Skill system. Many of its elements would see rebirth in d20 Future, such as the various alien races, and the Star*Drive and Dark-Matter settings.

Skills checks(which included attack skills) were judged by hitting one of three target numbers, each for a progressively greater success. Varying degrees of success in attacks meant that attacks dealt damage from one of your three durability ratings: Stun, Wound, and Mortal, lending the game to a much grittier feel than hit points allowed.

Has anyone played this? Does anyone still have the rules available to them?