A new format for join requests have been made. It will help with the literates and non illiterates. Make sure they send a completed one back, and have CORRECT punctuation and grammar. Spelling will not be an issue if its 1-2 words, if it's more then that then ask them to create ANOTHER one, just to be sure.

Send this


Thank you for choosing our Vampire Knight Role Play guild.
We do have some requirements for it though.

- Punctuation
- Spelling
- No God Modding
- No * ^ - ect.
- Grammar and complete sentences
- Posts must be at LEAST 3-4 sentences

If you want to join, please reply with an appropriate reason and a sample of your role playing skills.

" Sure," He said tiredly.
He waited for Yuuki to sit on the bench first. As she did, Zero was looking of into the dark. His eyes glowed with silver and his hair blew with the light breeze. His eyes turned towards Yuuki. Zero brushed through his hair, he muttered," Don't expect a lot from me,"

Hoping she didn't hear, he turned around and sat quietly on the wooden bench. He wasn't feeling like himself at all tonight, it made him queasy. Zero ignored the feeling and looked over a Yuuki, hoping she'd start a conversation. He wasn't know to be a good conversationalist.

Character list
Taken Cannon Characters:

Yuuki Cross/Kuran
Kaname Kuran
Zero - taken
Ruka/Luca Souen
Rima Toya
Maria Kurenai
Kaien Cross
Shiki Senri
Toga Yagari
Kain Akatsuki
Shiki Senri
Rido Kuran
Ichijou Takuma
Aido Hanabusa

Needed Cannon Characters

Ichiru Kiryu
Sayori Wakaba
Kaito Takamiya

Purebloods (full)

Yuuki Kuran- japan wannab13
Maria Kurenai- Maria Kurenai
Kuran Kaname- xXxKaname_KuranxXx
Mai- imavampire13
Zenith Azura- zemo101
Aizawa Gaito- Gackt_Girl666

When you are accepted head to this page

Fill This Out

Register here.

That's all so, thank you again for choosing cross academy and hope to see you in the guild.

-Zero Kiryu

* YOU may ADD more to the list if you find it appropriate. Also, just a reminder, do not put Zero Kiryu, take that out and insert your RP character. You may change the colours and word format ect.

Thank you

(Sorry for not being active, Canada has their exams, so it's been hard. I will have summer vacation to catch up and join in. Sorry for the inconvenience )

you may change colours into colors. I just spell it the Canadian way.