Oh, hello!
I know its kind of weird, but I'm about to ask a favor (and a really weird one!)... and its not related to Gaia or whatever you might think about. First of all, I'm sorry for "invading" the Gaia Online's forum just to ask something so selfish (God, I made my account just to ask this o.o) and unrelated to G.O.
I won't cover myself in the mist of lies: I may be hidden in anonymity, but I'll be as honest and straight as I can. I am not even a native speaker of English (I'm from Salvador, Brazil; you may have heard about our Carnival, "acarajé" or "capoeira", everybody asks me about that =p), so... Well, I'm wide open and I can't even predict your reaction, but I'll give this a shot. Here I go!

I enjoy playing MMORPGs on my free time (don't misunderstand me: I'm not addicted or insane; I just like playing it eventually) and, recently, I got myself astounded about "Continent of the Ninth". I heard it was on "Open Beta" phase, but I was too late: the new validation system required for registration and playing is now almost impossible for foreign people.
The C9 launch for other countries is not revealed (we, speaking of a foreign community, don't even know if it will be released outside Asia), there's only one server running: the Korean one. As HanGame requires a valid KSSN (I think it's like our Brazilian "CPF", is a document proving you are a real person and those kind of stuff) and a validation through a Korean cellphone (I couldn't grasp what is really needed, I just know its related to a cellphone), I found myself depending on someone from Korea to register a account.

That's why I came all the way across sites and forums just to ask a favor. You may think and really desperate, and you are not totally wrong: I don't know if it will be hosted as P2P (Pay to Play, subscription based) or F2P (Free to Play, based on Item Mall and other systems). In other words, I'm trying my best to test it out before its really too late (if I like it or not, that's not the point; I would like to test it before it goes on subscription methods).

I am not really interested about personal information and I can't even understand the Korean language; I don't even know something at all about hacking or whatever can be done. You may ask how can I try C9 if I don't know Korean, but there's a group of C9 players working hard on an English forum to help people about interface and stuff. (well, I understand English besides Portuguese being my native language; I could write this text on my own, hehe)

If you don't trust me about the reason for me (going this unbelievable insane just to) asking this favor, information are all gathered there; registration and OBT information, for example.

I said I won't cover myself, you may contact me via MSN/e-mail: kaillarkz@hotmail.com .
If someone is willing to help, you may have a look at the official Korean C9 site: http://c9.hangame.com/index.nhn .

Please, I'm asking this from the very bottom of my heart; I don't care about whatever is put during the registration, I can't even understand it! I just need an validated account, I won't do a thing except logging in and playing; as I said before, you now have my e-mail to ask freely about this crazy situation.

Please, I begging you! @@

(I won't put real my name as I'm all vulnerable on this forum; I will reveal my true identity on e-mail/MSN, as it is more individual and reliable)