So yeah, this forum is for any GA related discussion, about pictures, fanfics, couples, whatever. Please do not post guild related stuff in here, that goes in the main forum.

Now for rules.

Yes, I knooow you people hate rules. But you'll just have to deal with it :3

•••Some Guidelines For This Subforum•••

•Obey the General Rules.

•GA Discussion does not mean "Yay, let's bash GA!" This is a GA FAN guild. Not a guild for GA haters, thankyouverymuch. (I think I've said this before OwO whatever)

•No provoking or arguing. Contrary to popular belief, people are entitled their own opinion. Disagreeing is fine, correcting is fine, "WTF MIKAN AND RUKA? THATS SO FREAKING RETARDED ARE YOU FREAKING INSANE" is NOT OKAY. Even if it is kinda retarded.

•If you break any rules, we mods have the right to edit or remove posts.