This story is sorta young, so ya...

Path of the Shinobi:

Sien’s Story


Close to the time when time it’s self had begun, the many tribes were formed. They all began with their founders. Three of these many tribes included the Lock, Sen, and Darie Clans. These three were brothers and sister. According to legends that had been passed down the many centuries, Lock made weather, such as wind, the cold and the heat. Sen had created natural disasters that are born in the sky like, hail, tornados, thunder storms, and rain. Darie the only girl of the three had created the sky. Which is why the Lock, Sen, and Darie clans are known are the Clans of the Sky. Although all of there last names were the same, Locksendarie, there clans are entirely different, which is why they use there Clan names rather the full title as there last name. Since we are in the village of our beloved mother Darie I will tell you more about her. She created the sky because she thought it would be something that anyone around the world could look at and stare in awe, she was right. Since she was the only girl in the group, she was, a bit of a boy on the outside, but on the inside she had the loving heart of a shy little girl. She was also the youngest, but at the time she would had of been the smartest of the three. Though, Lock would soon pass her in that area of expertise. And in that time she made the clouds, and the gravity that kept every thing inside the atmosphere. If she was still alive to this very day, she would look extremely young. In fact she would have the looks of a fourteen year old. Anyone born in the time that she had been was blessed with something close to immortality. Lock would appear to be a twenty year old man. Sen would be slightly younger. All of our cities
are floating in the sky, thanks to Lock’s, and Darie’s efforts. Thanks to this we hardly ever have to worry about assaults on the villages, except that every twenty years the cities slowly float down to somewhere very close to tree level because of the moon. During that time the moon comes dangerously close to us. This is because of Luna, a girl that Sen had fallen in love with close to the time that he had stopped aging. Luna to had feelings for him, but one day Luna had fallen deathly ill, it was something that no doctor of that time had ever seen before. Sen was with her the entire time that she had been sick. The day that she had pasted she told Sen that she would be with him always and then she vanished, as they did because of their immortality. And since she was of the people of the moon she was able to keep her promise by reminding Sen of her unfaltering love by making the moon draw closer. Also during this time Luna protects us. Though, glowing image of a girl would most certainly attract anyone, which is the only reason we fear attacks during this time. Our mother had also fallen in love, if you have ever heard the story you would know it was filled with betrayal, for the man she had fallen in love with only wanted her for her power, so he married her and had children with her, but only a few years into the marriage, he had become tired over her and decided to get rid of her. So on a day that the children were fast asleep, he silently creped over to her bedside and raised a cursed blade one that could kill an immortal, and drove it through her heart, or so he thought he did, in the darkness of the night he could not see that she was no longer there, and instead had been waiting for him. So, seeing that he had tried to murder her she summoned a cloud so thick that a man with lung strong enough to mimic a powerful windstorm could not take in a single breath if caught inside. Darie then threw it over him like a blanket onto a child. He thrashed and banged against the walls of the cloud, but to no avail. So, Darie being as kind hearted as she was, electrocuted him inside of the cloud. The cloud ceased its thrashing, and fell to the floor. After that day Darie no longer had much interest in love, and instead devoted the rest of her days, how ever long that may had of been, to teaching her children life long lessons, that are still being passed on to this very day.” Said mother. “And that is the story of your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother Darie and her older brothers.” Sia had her hands out in front of her counting each of the greats. “Uhhh, so that would be… eleven greats! Wow! That must have been a looong time ago.” She said still staring at her fingers.