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In this forum, you can give and receive help relating to any health topic. Here's a list of topics we'll accept in this subforum:
    • Weight loss
    • Exercise
    • Healthy eating
    • Health problems
    • Goal/group support threads
    • Anything else relating to health and well being

    •[Be Polite. Don't make fun of someone or call them names because they're asking for help on a certain topic.

    • Keep posts relevant. All threads and posts must in some way be related to health and fitness issues. Small runoff conversations are fine, but the original topic must stay active as the thread goes on.

    • Do not post anything promoting harmful behaviors, such as drug use, eating disorders, fad diets, etc.

    • Quote sources, if possible. It's not required, but if possible, quote and/or link to the sources of information you provide. This not only backs up your information but also gives people a way to find more information on the topic.

    • All guild rules apply. As with any other subforum, all guild rules (listed here) must be followed.

If you are ever unsure of what you can or can't post in here, please PM either a crew member or myself. We'll try to respond as soon as possible with an answer.

Any and all members found breaking any of the rules above may be either warned or banned, depending on the severity of the breaking.