1. Please follow Gaia's ToS.

2. Please be polite to your fellow dorm and class mates.

3. Please keep everything PG-13 or lower. Anything else should be taken to a private chat out of the public eye.

4. No nudity, or other obscene images or suggestions in the forums. Again, please take it out of public eye.

5. No flamming in any of the forums, please. Constructive criticism is welcome, but no cold-hearted flamming.

6. Please follow the rules of the subforums! Make sure to read them!!! Each subforum has their own set of rules!

7. Let's all be LITERATE!


I. No spamming, advertising, etc. If you want to advertise for Sham WOW, please do so where it is appropriate, and NOT in the RP forums. If you would like to advertise something, please make sure that it is reasonable and does not violate Gaia ToS. Any non-RP related topics go into the NON RP FORUM.

II. Please make sure that you post appropriately and in the appropriate forums or they will be moved to the appropriate forum. If you can not find it, and you think it has been moved, please check the MOVED TOPICS thread here in the main announcements forum. Please note that we will respect you and notify you where to place your topic BEFORE we move it ourselves if it is not where it should be.

III. MODS will NOT delete any of your topics until we notify you first. If we deem the topic inappropriate or in violation of forum rules or Gaia ToS (such as profanity, obscenity, nudity, etc), then we will remove the topic immediately. Continue to violate this rule can result in banning from the guild. Please have some common sense.

IV. If you have a question about where you should put a forum, please notify an MOD.


I. Please remain active in this guild!

II. Lack of activity will get you banned! After three weeks of no activity, we will notify you to let you know that we miss you!!!

We understand that life gets in the way at unexpected times. So please dont think that we will get angry and just ban you. No, we are not like that. We will let you know and then give you time. But please know that if we do not hear from you in a certain amount of time AFTER the reminder, we will take action.

We have set up a thread for you to let us know that you will be out of commission for a while. Please let us know how long you think you will be gone so that we know to leave you alone!

Thank you,
Kuran Kaname