ok my fiance was on a site called imvu.com and this girl named HannahMontanaRox was on and talking to him...she said she is really hannah montana and he said prove it so he has her personal cell phone number and stuff so we know it is her! she keeps telling him she loves him and that he should go see her to have "fun" (mind you this was in 07 and in 07 my fiance was 23 years old) then he said somthing that pissed her off and she said "i'm going to a photo shot i won't be able to talk to you for 4 months" then we got horrassing phone calls from her!!! (we know because eitherr we heard her in the back ground or we had the number traced) she is nuts...what do you think???

I think she is Psyco...and i am so a better singer than she'll ever be!!!!!