I hate her so much i could just strangle a kitten......
I would go to target and walmart and for every poster i see with them on i will rip her head off of it. I will soon replace it with a picture of my A.ss
I will burn down the aisle of her toys and music. I would pin all her CDs onto the wall of whichever shop i went to, and i would spell out: Fu.ck Off girls. i will then pour acid on the poor fangirls arriving to buy her music. I would secretly go to the her house and snipe her a.ss. I would smack the Sh.it out of her. i will rip her eyebrows off and shove it down her throat. i will get my brother to pee in a cup and i will pour it in her eyes. I would then make a grave for her in the dumpster. i would make her regret joining the disney company. I will make sure she's wipeing their bare a.ss with her "MASCULINE" hands. There is so much to be done is so little time..................