Well hello, there! Welcome to my Gaia version of The Frog Prince -unveiled-!

The Author Talks!: I first came up with this, to tell you the truth, when I found out that the Orindae became a prince... orz As soon as I found out I made it my mission to get one and then an idea came to my head: put Prince Orin and an OC together! Yahoo! But, of course, because of all that legal stuff I can't use the name "Prince Orin" or else... stuff, so I'll have to pick another name from some ol' hat laying around.

Anyway, please enjoy this story of the Frog Prince, what truly happened.

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She was his Princess, she gave him a kiss and then poof! He became all she wanted, everything she could ever hope for. Everything seemed so peaceful, so much like heaven, was there ever any trouble to hold the doomed couple back?

Oh, why do I say doomed? Well, they are star-crossed lovers, after all, aren’t they? She was not meant to give him that kiss, it was supposed to be her sister! Or her mother! But no, it was her, the little girl that didn’t know anything.

Or did she? Had she kept to the sidelines only to observe and analyze? Did she only keep quiet and obey her parents and siblings just to see what would come from their actions? Fruits of their labor?

Well, when he came along, she had collected enough information to know what he was. She knew enough to tell no one. And, most of all, she knew enough to tell him her name. Which, of course, was Lucy. She told him of her family, which carried the name of Sweetapple. And she told him her age, which was fifteen. She had only seen fifteen summers.

He never responded to her in a language she could understand, but she knew he could understand her. After a point, she thought her love was only one-sided and her heart broke. Tears had spilled and she ran away from the well where they secretly met.

To his own surprise, he felt confused and hurt. He had his own knowledge, to which he used to figure out that she wasn’t supposed to feel anything for him, and he wasn’t supposed to feel anything for her. In fact, they were never supposed to have met.

The Frog Prince -unveiled- © Lady Sweetapple (Victoria L.)