The Games subforum, is meant to help entertain you, while you're waiting for others to post, or others to get online, etc. Quizzes, Word Games, Riddles, etc may be posted here. If a reward for solving or finishing things is promised, the person who promised it, must fulfill that promise.

The Guild's Competitions, Quests, and Giveaways are held in their own subforum. Over time, competition, quest, and giveaway items will become nicer, but for starters they may be smaller items as well as smaller amounts of gold. The larger the guild becomes and the more donations we get the better the prizes will be. All donations for the guild must go to Guild Donation Collector. Money and Items sent to that account will be used solely for the guild. There will be a list of donators with the items/gold they've donated beside their usernames, in the appropriate subforum.