/People who have been banned can be found here.
/People who have been of great help in creating, supporting, and recruiting for this guild.
>>Kiki somoko- She was of great help creating this guild. Kiki's also one of my closest friends on and offline. She's also simply just awesome.<<
>>Michiyo K Fujiwara-She helped with creating the guild somewhat >.< Michiyo is also one of my close friends on and offline. And she's just awesome like that.<<
/People who have broken a rule or two. You get three chances before bannishment. Strikes will appear beside the name for every rule broken.**

Those on the list will also have the reason for being on that list beside their name. If you have questions or concerns about this list, please don't hesitate to PM me.

**Strikes differ according to the rule broken, and whether you've done the process to remove them.