Well, my friend Kabrin (Eternally-Blind) and I are going to start writing a story that is a crossover between Death Note, Bleach, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Gravitation, and Naruto, with a bit of Organization 13. It started simply with the idea of Light killing Sakura with the death note, and it kinda spiraled outta control from there. Honestly, I'm thinking that after we post it on FFnet, people are gonna come after us with like, torches and pitchforks and are gonna try to murder us or something. That's because this is going to be a crackfic, a.k.a. completely INSANE! xd 3nodding So, anyhoos, I'm looking forward to getting everything in order so that we can actually type it. We have all the ideas written down, but we need to connect everything, add dialogue, the works!

Edit: I forgot to say that Fruits Basket is also in there, and they will be the only normal people.