Yeah, yeah, for the second time tonight I'm writing up a freaking list of rules for you guys. Well, follow them and we'll have no problem, okay?

Follow Gaia's TOS.
I'm sure you all are smart enough that I don't have to type this out in every subforum, but just in case, I will anyway. FOLLOW THE FREAKING TOS. If you don't, we all get in trouble, and I refuse to get bitched at by Gaia because one of you is too stupid to follow the TOS. Just... do it. Got it?

It must be about Death Note.
No, you can't come into the Death Note subforum and start talking about Naruto or Inuyasha or Rurouni Kenshin or whatever. Keep it to Death Note, guys, you obviously like it or you wouldn't be in this guild.

Obviously I'm having writer's block on rules as well as my fanfictions, so I'll stop here for now. Follow them and maybe I won't make anymore.