Okay, my schedule is going to be a little weird for a bit, I think. I hope this isn't a regular thing with this department/company.

Anywho, I work tomorrow 3:30pm-11:30 pm. They want me to spy on their performers to make sure they aren't selling anything illegally. That is to say, to make sure they're selling what they say they're selling so they're taxed appropriately.

Weekend off, though with the Las Vegas Comic Con going on, I'm not sure if my local board game store wants me to help with anything. It was insinuated that they might.

Monday I'll have my normal 4:30 am project (-_-) then start learning a whole new department. I think by the end of this month they'll have me working in 4 different projects/departments/areas and expect me to get it all done. Ha, good luck with that.

Anywho, Settlers has started. I'll start getting the Goblins subforum put together tomorrow morning, then hopefully get that started by Sunday sometime.

I also came into a realization this week, and I'll probably apply it to all my future games. The biggest hurdle PBP games have, is waiting for people to post. It just now occured to me that games of 3-4 players would run A LOT better than games with 6-8. All my future games will probably have this reduced player size, starting with Werewolf.

Speaking of which, Werewolf I still have to plan out. I have a few general very basic plot outlines in my head but I usually aim for something a bit more concrete. I need to sit down with the book in my lap, skim it, and led ideas come to me. This should be over the next week.