I've been reading my zodiac on facebook a lot lately XD
Stupid facebook...
The one I found is pretty accurate. I adore the zodiac. I fit my sign so well.

@Gab: Well if you would love to see my take, I think I might just have to do it biggrin Would be funnn

I also don't believe in them 100%, I try to rationalize everything about it lol
That movie sounds amazing.

I like what Hotaru did, I think I shall post a comparison too:

Scorpio Traits

- Loyal Yes
- Passionate Very
- Resourceful Yes
- Observant Very
- Dynamic I've been told I am
- Jealous Unfortunately
- Obsessive Secretly
- Suspicious Somewhat
- Manipulative Can be ><
- Unyielding Yup

"Scorpios are fiercely independent. They are able to accomplish anything they put their mind to and they won't give up. They are perfectly suited to being on their own. They are not social butterflies like some other zodiac signs and some actually prefer to live on their own that way there is never any issue of who controls what at home, they like to be in control. " Soooo true, especially the bit about control.

* Truth I can't begin to describe how much truth means to me
* Hidden Causes Yus!
* Being involved Sometimes, other times I'd rather observe
* Work That is Meaningful Hence why I live 6 hours from my family, childhood friends, and moved away from everything I've ever known. Not to mention the debt...all so I can finish school and have a career I am passionate about and has meaning.
* Being Persuasive For as long as I can remember XD

* Being Given Only Surface data OMFG so true
* Taken Advantage of -_- It happens far too damn often to me
* Demeaning Jobs Demeaning anything
* Shallow Relationships Lmao one of the first things people learn about me is that I don't bother with relationships unless I know I could fall in love with the person
* Flattery and Flattering Loathe it