I think you'd have to ask a lot more questions than that to find someone who is really compatible enough to be your best friend. I spent an hour filling out a eharmony survey only to be told there were no matches for me. But since I'm bored and procrastinating studying...


1) Fave Animal.? The kind with four legs and fur.

2) Fave Food.? real canadian poutine.

3) Geek or Prep.? um, neither but since only two options I'll go with Geek

4) Do you piss in the shower.? Occassionally

5) Are you on gaia alot.? I guess, every day maybe an hour or two a day.

6) Are you lesbian, bi, or straight.? I don't like the word straight. confused It implies that the others are crooked. But as far as I know I am heterosexual.