Jasmine Perishing
Lists like that could not get any more pitiful and superficial if one tried. By putting limits on who we will date, we shut ourselves off from true love, because loving someone doesn't depend on shallow characteristics or appearance. Honestly, Rhyno? This girl's not really worth your friendship.

Dang, you're insightful. But can't get any more true than that.

@Rhyno: Thanks and you don't look creepy to me. What I meant by creepy is randomly hitting on women on the lightrail (which can smell at times) either wayyy too early in the morning (5am) or right after work (3pm). That and the one guy hit on me thinking I was pregnant (purse under my jacket) and the other already had a girlfriend but said he was thinking of breaking up with her.

That's what I mean by creepy.

Oh... I see.

And Jasmine, you're right. She's immature anyways. I mean, she just graduated high school so she's 17 now (not that it makes much difference, but mentally she's immature like most of the girls around here). So yeah...

I'm so tempted to say what my mom always says to me when I say "Oh, I see." She always says "Said the blind man to the deaf mute."

*huggles you* But you deserve more than her. Plus I agree with the immaturity part for that seems to be the case in my area. They still stick to their cliques and they still judge you, whispering about you behind your back. It's like you want to scream at them, "If you have something to say about me, say it to my face!"

*hugs back* Thanks... but yeah, I've come to realize it's stupid for me to even worry over it in the least bit.

Rawr~! I know alot of stuff too stupid to worry about, yet I can't help it -_-'