Well, I WANT to be a bard .... but I get really nervous. I mean bardic fires are one thing - pitch black, no one can see you, and just everyone's singing.

But getting up and singing infront of people like at Fields of Gold (and I'm pretty sure North_of_Nita can attest to this) I was SOO afriad
.... and everyone was talking amungst themselves when the last performer before me had stopped, and I walked up ... waited a few seconds, and they just kept talking, and so i figured 'yes, I'll sing, no one will stop talking, and I can get it over with' So I started ..... it LITTERALLY WENT DEAD QUIET (as in I swear people stopped breathing) ... eek I finished singing, and proptly ran away! xd rofl and people told me later how quiet I was and "did you hear how many 'Huzzah's you got?" biggrin "no, I was too busy running away" stare

It was a littler tramatizing!! eek .....

But I still want to be a Bard blaugh heart

you were SO quite, I still think I should have gone up and poked you in the ribs or something like that ninja

I SERIOUSLY didn't think I was .....

and if I was so damn quiet- how'd people go from talking loud and to everyone, to silent as the grave in about 3 seconds? stare

hmm?? see?? I couldn't have been THAT quiet! stare xp

... but I'll try to do better next time ... if there is a next time! xd