Scary Scribbles
Emo Babe Sister 14
Scary Scribbles
Emo Babe Sister 14
Scary Scribbles
Emo Babe Sister 14

Haha good song :p i still have The drug in me is you as mine haha smile
I knowww right<3
I just wanna hug him c: and jacky haha.

Yes, very good song. c: I eneded up putting back "The Drug In Me Is You" as my ringtone once again! cx
omfg I wanna hug jack too! He is so fxxking adorbs. <3
And his smile, omg his smile is one of the greatests ever!
I couldn't talk to him when I met him. :s

hahah very cool smile
yesh, he's totally adorable. I know right smile omg you met him? that's so freaking cool. i just saw him like going into the underground arts for a concert but they are coming in feb <3

Yes, I felt like I was melting away when he smiled at me tbh.
That is still awesome, I'm actually going to miss that concert. :c My job won't let me go cause the closest concert is in Texas and I live in Louisiana. :C

Haha he got a really really cute smile smile aw no! that's terrible :c but but Jacky :/

It is. :c I know, I need to see Jacky!
I'm going to try and go, but I don't know if it'' happen.

Indeed he does, yeah. he's like the only one well Ryan too that i wanna see. smile
i really hope you'd be able to go smile