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Invisible Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:07 pm
Testicular Diabetes
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It's a big relief to have those questions answered.

I had people telling me that women were not suppose to work or go for higher education.
They kept telling me it was a sin.

I have nothing against housewives but it just isn't for me.
I want to go to college for many things. I also want to take classes at the community education building in town.
I have this undying feeling to learn.
I love learning and making good grades.
I feel like God wants me to learn many different things.

I've tried the whole staying home, cooking and cleaning and it was just heck for me.
I was sooooo bored and I felt like a prisoner in my own house.
I'm sure it has it's rewards like getting to stay at home with your children, always having a clean home, stuff like that but I dunno.
Maybe I'll change my mind later in life?

I cant wait to start college though, I start in January. ^W^
I want to be a teacher more than anything! ^^

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I hope those answers helped you.

I have never heard that it was a sin for a woman to be out of the home working and pursuing a higher education. A woman has just as much of a right to do that as a man does.

I used to have the same attitude about staying home and not working before my daughter was born. I thought it would be boring, but I always knew some where in the back of my mind that once the kids came, the job just had to go. I had to be there for my kids all the time. But it's not boring at all, at least for me. I always have some thing to do and it's some thing new every day to do and it's definitely very rewarding. This is all my take and all my experiences with being a stay at home mom and housewife. Who knows, you might change your mind later in life, you might not. It's all up to you and what you are comfortable with.

I would love to go back to college, but I am waiting until my kids are a little older and not so dependant on me right now. I am going to try and go when they are both in school. I am so indecisive about what major to pursue because I have so many interests.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:06 pm
I messed up and thought I had the answers but I guess I didn't I had to go and ask for help.
#1. Am I sinning since I plan to go to college to become a teacher, instead of being a housewife?

I give you two cuz Idk which one you find will betterr explain.
#2. Piercings, I have eleven of them. I was always told that it was alright to have them, people that I've gone to church with have them. Is it a sin to have them?

As for this question I thought I knew the answer but I guess I didn't and I was told this "It is a matter of conscience.. there is no scripture that dogmatically says not to. We see ladies on the bible who have nose rings.

The big question is in this culture is it beyond reproach? I would say to have tons of pierces is weird and creepy and is not a good testimony of Christ. I would also ask the person who is getting them, what is their motive? is it not self? Do they say it is for the Glory of God?. Many people when they were lost had many piercings + tattoos and then God saved them ,and eventually in their heart they have a desire to get rid of the tattoos and to look normal."
#3. I was always told that it was a sin to marry outside of your race. Is that true?

No, I think this came because the isrealites wern't allowed to marry someone who wasn't an isrealite. It is however a sin to marry a non-christian.
2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
#4. Is it a sin that my fiance and I see each other as equal and make decisions together instead of him making the decisions and me pretending to be Martha Stewart or something?

Each person has a role in the marriage(your not married yet so it doesn't count) http://www.gty.org/Resources/Articles/A203_Marriage-As-It-Was-Meant-to-Be?q=marriageand If your not submitting to your husband(or in your case your fiance) yes you are(but only when you're married)
Ephesians 5:22-33
Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything
#5 Is it a sin to not follow the Bible completely? Like will you go to Hell if you don't?

I also though I knew this one lol I had to go get help after I though about it xd here watch this bible study, I was told it was very insightful ^_^ http://illbehonest.com/A-Study-on-the-Law-and-Legalism-Tim-Conway
#6. What happens to the people who have never even heard of Christ like some people in Africa in some village or way before Jesus's birth?
Will they be in Heaven, it isn't their fault that they were ignorant.

http://www.gotquestions.org/never-heard.html I don't suggest using this site much, I found some errors in some answers to some questions but this one is one of their good ones! biggrin  

starry night-163

Saint Crazy The Follower

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:29 am
Everyone has their own path in life. Don't compare your life to other people, just compare it to Christ's life. God calls us to serve Him from wherever we are.

So don't be discouraged when people tell you to live one way over another. This is your life, not theirs! wink  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:34 pm
starry night-163
#3. I was always told that it was a sin to marry outside of your race. Is that true?

No, I think this came because the isrealites wern't allowed to marry someone who wasn't an isrealite. It is however a sin to marry a non-christian.
2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

How does that verse define it being a sin to marry a non believer? Especially when Paul turned around and said that an unbelieving husband/wife can be saved by the believing wife/husband. I have yet to see a verse that shows God saying that we are not supposed to marrying a non-believer, not Paul. And also "being yoked" could mean any thing. It doesn't necessary mean being married. Yoking could be any thing to your work place to even within your own religion. So would it be a sin then if you were with an intelligent Christian vs. an unintelligent Christian? Or how about a disabled Christian?  


Invisible Shapeshifter

starry night-163

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:08 pm
starry night-163
#3. I was always told that it was a sin to marry outside of your race. Is that true?

No, I think this came because the isrealites wern't allowed to marry someone who wasn't an isrealite. It is however a sin to marry a non-christian.
2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

How does that verse define it being a sin to marry a non believer? Especially when Paul turned around and said that an unbelieving husband/wife can be saved by the believing wife/husband. I have yet to see a verse that shows God saying that we are not supposed to marrying a non-believer, not Paul. And also "being yoked" could mean any thing. It doesn't necessary mean being married. Yoking could be any thing to your work place to even within your own religion. So would it be a sin then if you were with an intelligent Christian vs. an unintelligent Christian? Or how about a disabled Christian?

This is a yoke http://epic4life.com/kent/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/yoke.jpg it is used to hold two oxen together like this http://www.mandydesutter.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/ox-yoke.jpg in the bible there are some references to it and it is used to talk about something that is bonded(well at least from what I've known so far lol) When you are married you become one flesh

Mark 10:7-9

AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.

"What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."

Jacob and esau were brothers so they were blood, therefore I would say that made them one

Genesis 27:40
By your sword you shall live,
And you shall serve your brother;
And it shall come to pass, when you become restless,
That you shall break his yoke from your neck.”

Sin is something that had us bonded before we came to know Christ it enslaved us so we were I guess technically one

Galations 5:1
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Well I have no idea if I'm even making sense but I'm trying lol
Christ had many relationships with unrighteous people and unintelligent Christians and if this was bad then why would he do it, if he never sinned, then this verse would mean he sinned right? So I don't think that verse is talking about that, I think it refers to marriage.
How does that verse define it being a sin to marry a non believer? Especially when Paul turned around and said that an unbelieving husband/wife can be saved by the believing wife/husband.

Paul gives new commandments, which he get's from God through the holy spirit therefore they are from God. And in that one husband and wife verse he talking about those who are already married.  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:25 pm
I know what a yoke is and the purpose of it. And the imagry Paul used for being yoked with unbelievers could apply to any one relationship in life, not just marriage. And I also know what it's like when a man and a woman get married. I've known it for quite some time, being as I am married and have two kids! I know what sin does, but that doesn't make us "one" or "yoked" with sin. Sin is an act of disobedience. That's all.

Well according to your verse and the logic you provided with it, it's a sin be united with unrighteous and evil people, so if Christ communed with them, then that's a bad thing according to your logic. And that verse wasn't talking about marriage, Paul was just saying that darkness should not be united with light. If it was a sin to marry and non Christian then Paul would not have turned around and said that an unbelieving spouse can be saved by the believing spouse.O know he is talking about those who are already married, but the believer would be sinning being married to that nonbeliever according to your logic, which would make Paul, who receives inspiration and revelation from God, contradict himself, and by extentsion God contradicted Himself.

Your original verse does not condemn marrying a non believer or a nonChristian. It's not even talking about marriage. Paul is making comparisions to things, which he is famous for doing.  


Invisible Shapeshifter

starry night-163

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:56 pm
I know what a yoke is and the purpose of it. And the imagry Paul used for being yoked with unbelievers could apply to any one relationship in life, not just marriage. And I also know what it's like when a man and a woman get married. I've known it for quite some time, being as I am married and have two kids! I know what sin does, but that doesn't make us "one" or "yoked" with sin. Sin is an act of disobedience. That's all.

Well according to your verse and the logic you provided with it, it's a sin be united with unrighteous and evil people, so if Christ communed with them, then that's a bad thing according to your logic. And that verse wasn't talking about marriage, Paul was just saying that darkness should not be united with light. If it was a sin to marry and non Christian then Paul would not have turned around and said that an unbelieving spouse can be saved by the believing spouse.O know he is talking about those who are already married, but the believer would be sinning being married to that nonbeliever according to your logic, which would make Paul, who receives inspiration and revelation from God, contradict himself, and by extentsion God contradicted Himself.

Your original verse does not condemn marrying a non believer or a nonChristian. It's not even talking about marriage. Paul is making comparisions to things, which he is famous for doing.

I'm not trying to start an argument here and it seems you misunderstood my logic, and sorry if I offended you in any way that wasn't my intention, I mearly wanted to explain my reasoning but I am as you said in one of your other comments... an "unintelligent Christian" who still has a long way to go and much to learn(I mean that literally). I also just wanted to say do you think a marriage with an unbeliever would glorify Christ? Seeing as there will be much bickering over the things of the Lord, they will cause you much struggle instead of help, and then there's the terrible feeling of knowing the one you love is on their way to hell, and if you have kids then worse because you will both struggle to teach them what you think is best and the unbeliver will probably want to lead them away from God. How would this kind of thing bring Glory to God? And plus
Galation 5:9
A little leaven leavens the whole lump

but then again that's just my thinking...  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:26 pm
starry night-163
I know what a yoke is and the purpose of it. And the imagry Paul used for being yoked with unbelievers could apply to any one relationship in life, not just marriage. And I also know what it's like when a man and a woman get married. I've known it for quite some time, being as I am married and have two kids! I know what sin does, but that doesn't make us "one" or "yoked" with sin. Sin is an act of disobedience. That's all.

Well according to your verse and the logic you provided with it, it's a sin be united with unrighteous and evil people, so if Christ communed with them, then that's a bad thing according to your logic. And that verse wasn't talking about marriage, Paul was just saying that darkness should not be united with light. If it was a sin to marry and non Christian then Paul would not have turned around and said that an unbelieving spouse can be saved by the believing spouse.O know he is talking about those who are already married, but the believer would be sinning being married to that nonbeliever according to your logic, which would make Paul, who receives inspiration and revelation from God, contradict himself, and by extentsion God contradicted Himself.

Your original verse does not condemn marrying a non believer or a nonChristian. It's not even talking about marriage. Paul is making comparisions to things, which he is famous for doing.

I'm not trying to start an argument here and it seems you misunderstood my logic, and sorry if I offended you in any way that wasn't my intention, I mearly wanted to explain my reasoning but I am as you said in one of your other comments... an "unintelligent Christian" who still has a long way to go and much to learn(I mean that literally). I also just wanted to say do you think a marriage with an unbeliever would glorify Christ? Seeing as there will be much bickering over the things of the Lord, they will cause you much struggle instead of help, and then there's the terrible feeling of knowing the one you love is on their way to hell, and if you have kids then worse because you will both struggle to teach them what you think is best and the unbeliver will probably want to lead them away from God. How would this kind of thing bring Glory to God? And plus
Galation 5:9
A little leaven leavens the whole lump

but then again that's just my thinking...

I never called you an unintelligent Christian, so where ever you pulled that from my posts, I'm sorry, but I never called you that or hinted that were such.

As for a marriage to an unbeliever, that would be between the Christian and the Lord. I believe that all things can glorify the Lord in some way or another and He can always take any situation and use it for good.  


Invisible Shapeshifter

starry night-163

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:37 pm
starry night-163
I know what a yoke is and the purpose of it. And the imagry Paul used for being yoked with unbelievers could apply to any one relationship in life, not just marriage. And I also know what it's like when a man and a woman get married. I've known it for quite some time, being as I am married and have two kids! I know what sin does, but that doesn't make us "one" or "yoked" with sin. Sin is an act of disobedience. That's all.

Well according to your verse and the logic you provided with it, it's a sin be united with unrighteous and evil people, so if Christ communed with them, then that's a bad thing according to your logic. And that verse wasn't talking about marriage, Paul was just saying that darkness should not be united with light. If it was a sin to marry and non Christian then Paul would not have turned around and said that an unbelieving spouse can be saved by the believing spouse.O know he is talking about those who are already married, but the believer would be sinning being married to that nonbeliever according to your logic, which would make Paul, who receives inspiration and revelation from God, contradict himself, and by extentsion God contradicted Himself.

Your original verse does not condemn marrying a non believer or a nonChristian. It's not even talking about marriage. Paul is making comparisions to things, which he is famous for doing.

I'm not trying to start an argument here and it seems you misunderstood my logic, and sorry if I offended you in any way that wasn't my intention, I mearly wanted to explain my reasoning but I am as you said in one of your other comments... an "unintelligent Christian" who still has a long way to go and much to learn(I mean that literally). I also just wanted to say do you think a marriage with an unbeliever would glorify Christ? Seeing as there will be much bickering over the things of the Lord, they will cause you much struggle instead of help, and then there's the terrible feeling of knowing the one you love is on their way to hell, and if you have kids then worse because you will both struggle to teach them what you think is best and the unbeliver will probably want to lead them away from God. How would this kind of thing bring Glory to God? And plus
Galation 5:9
A little leaven leavens the whole lump

but then again that's just my thinking...

I never called you an unintelligent Christian, so where ever you pulled that from my posts, I'm sorry, but I never called you that or hinted that were such.

As for a marriage to an unbeliever, that would be between the Christian and the Lord. I believe that all things can glorify the Lord in some way or another and He can always take any situation and use it for good.

Oh I never you said you called me an unintelligent christian lol I called myself one because it's true. I just quoted from you smile like my grammer, it's bad lol, and my reading comprehension too xd , plus some of the things I write come out bad and then people think I said something else which isn't cool.  
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