What things would prompt you to take a little extra time out of your day?
A nice talk with a friend, specially if its a girl, eating! but enjoying food for once like you, I dont eat breakfast at home because I live alone, to lazy to do something really tasty in the morning and dont have time to do anything because I have to get to Uni at 7am and I dont have a car...

Is there a particular meal or daily ritual you really enjoy, that others might tease you for when you put a little extra effort into it?
Studyng some friends find it pretty awckard finding me in the library... xp A daily ritual would be choosing the clothes Im gonna wear for the next day specially the ties and sweater, I try to make them match. It can take me upt to 30minutes...

And also breakfast. Some people love it, some people ignore it completly. What about you?
I love breackfast, is one of my favorite meals of the day also but like I said before I dont have time to eat something good, nor also I dont do anything special, I will end up buying really expensive food at Starbucks from Monday throuh Friday at Uni, or at the cafeteria...I love when Im home with my family on vacations and there is always really tasty food backed by my mother, or we go to fancy restaurants