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PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:39 pm
Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?
NO of course not. True christians don't judge people because we were once lost ourselves. And we are all sinners. God sees us all the same. He knows our hearts. I know there are a lot of religious people in this world that do discriminate but it's just like Jesus said in Matthew 7:14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Many, many people claim to be christians, but anybody can call themselves a christian. It is only a label. And many people have done evil things while claiming they were doing it in God's name, like the Roman Catholic Church. I used to be Catholic, until I learned the truth about God. The best I can do or say to an unbeliever is preach the Gospel or the Word of God, which is Jesus Christ, and pray that they listen and hear. Most people will ignore but that is not for me to take personal. That is between them and God because when they die, they will be judged on if they heard the Gospel and if they chose to ignore it or listen and repent and walk with God.

Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments?
Well, no human being is perfect or was perfect, except for Jesus Christ, but He was God in the flesh. I try to follow the Bible as much as I can. But there are times where it gets really difficult. I believe those are tests, you know like God is testing me to see how strong my faith is. Certainly you have to follow ALL the commandments. God would not make them laws if he didn't want us to obey them. Our God is a just and righteous judge. He is holy, therefore he expects his children to be holy and be like Him. If there's anything in this world that I want people to know me by, it's that when they see me, I want them to see Christ in me. I want them to see how He has changed me, and carry out His will. So most definitely you have to follow all his commandments. You might break them, because we are sinners and we make mistakes, but God is forgiving. He loves us so much, that we cannot comprehend how much He loves us. But it doesn't give us an excuse to sin on purpose and expect Him to forgive us. That is not how it works.

Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO?
No I would not tell you to get off, one because the fact that you posted this means that you're trying to find the narrow path God told us to stay on and you want to learn about Him. I think that is beautiful. Not a lot of people these days even care about God or if there is a creator or even care about the consequences of their actions. Today most of my friends and other young folks make themselves their own gods. They follow what they want to follow and do whatever they want. But I will never turn down somebody that is thirsty for the truth. Because I was once very thirsty, and even though I know Jesus Christ now, I still have thirst but He quenches it.

Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?
I cannot even begin to tell you the many sins that I have committed that I did not know I was doing wrong. But I sought Jesus because I was just so tired of my life. I was miserable. He healed my wounds, ones that other people gave me and the ones that I made on myself.

Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace?
If I could end all wars for the rest of human history, I would not even think twice. Violence is NOT the answer. I know it sounds cliche to say but it's true. Jesus tells us to love our neighbors and to care for one another because we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. I oppose all wars, even if it's to fight for peace. I don't believe that war gets you closer to peace, I think it pulls us away from it. The bible, if you really read it, tells us to live in peace with one another. Many people say that there is violence in the Bible and it's true there is. But they are stories of what has happened in history. It is not telling us to be violent or commit crimes. They are like lessons to learn from.
Col 3:12-14
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?
Most of Romans 1 in the bible explains homosexuality. It is wrong, very wrong and the reason it's wrong is because God intended sex to be between a married couple. Sex outside of a marriage is wrong and defiles your body. Doesn't matter who you are, what you are, your age, your sexuality prefernece or whatever you may be, if you're having sex outside a marriage, it's wrong. Even if it's by yourself. Why? because sex was made to have babies. Don't get me wrong, sex is a beautiful thing. That is why it is so sacred. I mean you're creating life here. And it's also a very personal connection with whom you're creating another human life with. So many people now abuse this beautiful, sacred communion with their beloved. Prostitutes sell themselves like it's a business, no love, no strings attached, just the cold, emotionless, physical motions of doing it. And even just regular people have sex with each other because it feels good, not knowing they are committing adultery and harming their bodies. Also sex isn't just a physical act with someone. It is a spiritual bond with someone. Two flesh become one. That's why you become attached to the person that you give your first time to. You gave them a part of your soul and connected.
Genesis 2: 24
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
Mark 10:6-9
"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Romans 7:2
For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law of marriage.
First Corinthians - Chapter 7:10-11
To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.
First Corinthians - Chapter 7:39
A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord.
Hebrews 13:4
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
Ephesians - Chapter 5:3
But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.
First Corinthians - Chapter 6:18-20
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?
You are not your own; You were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your body.
Col 3:18-19
Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.'
God gives us very clear guidelines on marriage and how to treat our bodies. Our bodies are temples of God because His spirit lives in us, not in statues or concrete buildings. Those are lifeless and man-made. But God created us, and He wants us to portray His image, which is being Holy and acting as such. This is also why divorce is seen as wrong in christianity. It's just sad that the divorce rates are the same in the church as the secular world. Many are falling from the faith. I hope this answers your question.

Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?
God gave us free will. We shouldn't blame God for these things that happen because he doesn't make them happen. Who goes and signs up to be enlisted in the military? We do. WE go to Iraq and the middle east and kill innocent people. God did not force us. We can only blame ourselves for the misery of this world because we are the ones that hurt people. Most of the time unintentionally but we do. Here is a link to answer your question. It was too long to type here. http://www.carm.org/questions/about-doctrine/why-there-evil-and-suffering-world

Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?
If you mean the bible verse Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
I have seen many people ask this and they think we look like God. Well God is a Spirit. He has no image as we do. When the bible says we are created in His image and likeness I believe it to mean his characteristics or his attributes. When God created Adam and Eve they was perfect and without sin. This is so much like God. Then sin entered in to the world and now I believe the image of God is hard to see in someone. We are like God in the way in which we reflect his attributes: love, justice, wisdom, and power.

Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it?

I would probably tell you that you are very far from the truth and you believed the devil's lie. I wouldn't hate you for it. I would feel pity, I am being honest here. Here is a link that hopefully will help you understand better about the devil. He is evil and a liar. And he would do anything to keep you damned until your life ends so you could dwell with him in hell. Scary, but very true.

I hope I was able to answer at least part of your questions. If you have any more, please please ask me. And don't be afraid or feel stupid to pray. Your prayers never go unheard. But pray in Jesus' name, or pray to jesus. I guarantee he will answer you and show you the power of his glory. Blessed be you by our mighty lord and savior.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:08 pm
Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?
No, I don't. There isn't anything wrong with a little curiosity and wanting to ask questions. Understanding is better than being completely ignorant at times.

Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments?
This is a hard question to answer since the human race isn't expected to be absolutely perfect. If I get into the roots of it such as obeying the Bible and forgiveness and all of that. I believe that we need to try our best to follow the Bible's commandments. When we do wrong, God forgives us and for forgiveness, sometimes we just need to pray for it. When Jesus came to this earth, he set an example that it's possible to live as a Christian on this earth. However, Jesus was perfect, and yet, we are not.

Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO?
No idea. I know I'm not going to tell you to go away.

Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?
I was raised a Christian all my life. My parents were also Christian's throughout their entire lives. So I didn't necessarily convert to Christianity in the way you are asking. Even as a Christian, I do things that are wrong and right simply because I'm human and make mistakes and do good deeds.

Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace?
I believe that peace is the better option. In life, we all pick our battles whether it be physically, emotionally, or physically. It's a part of life no matter what. I believe in certain instances, violence can be necessary. For example, self defense may involve violence and that's just to protect yourself. Now if you have intentions of over doing it and killing someone on purpose, that's different. War and violence in this world is something that is nearly impossible to stop.

Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?
Abortion is as bad as murder. Animals don't even abort their young so why should we even consider it? When someone goes for abortion, they are killing what would've become a child. Instead, it's just killing another life without giving the baby a chance due to carelessness. Homosexuality is very wrong since in Genesis it mentions that man and woman are to be together and become one flesh. God made men and women so they can end up being together and have children. There are many other verses that prove this that I can't think of at the top of my mind, but I'm sure that someone else has posted them already.

Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?
This is usually a question that Christians have been puzzled about at times. It isn't right to blame God for these things. Sin is our disease and curse that slowly kills us. We have free will to do what's right or what's wrong. God isn't to blame.

Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?
This means that he made us to be us. He didn't make us to be like him. He knew us before we were even born. God's image cannot be compared to anyone else. He made us how he saw us and gave us certain characteristics and gifts. I heard a preacher say once that if we think, "God has made a mistake with me! I'm so messed up!" that isn't true. We all have our imperfections and God has a plan for us.

Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it?
I wouldn't hate you. I would rather be concerned for you. Do not fall for Satan's evil intentions. Do not fall into temptation and other evils in this world that he causes to drag us all down. I have no desire in trying to understand people who worship Satan. I do know that it is the opposite of the truth. Satan tempts everyone and we all need to realize to turn against it.  


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ElisaBella Angel

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:11 pm
Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?
Of course not! Not everyone believes in what I believe, it's really not a big deal.

Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments?
I don't follow everything the bible tells me, actually I don't believe everything in the bible. Since mankind wrote it, it could be wrong because mankind makes mistakes.

Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO?
I won't... I can't really speak for everyone else though.

Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?
I was raised in to be Christian, I fought it actually because I was forced to do things I didn't feel like doing; such as Church. So I guess I was a "wrong doer" during those few years. I still make mistakes though, Im human..it happens.

Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace?
I believe in both solutions. I do however believe peace is the better option in my opinion, but sometimes peace doesn't get the job done. I realize violence can lead to more violence but its bound to happen.

Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?
I'm kind of on the edge for abortion. I believe in Pro-Choice but then again it is a life the person is choosing to end. I don't believe that decision will send someone to hell. I do not believe homosexuality is wrong! I believe love is love and if God truly had a problem with it, don't you think he would push the feelings away? So what if a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman, I mean it doesn't affect me in any way. I believe being a homosexual will NOT send anyone to hell.

Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?
...I honestly do not have a good answer to this so... sorry.

Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?
I believe "in Gods imagine" is purely thoughts, beliefs and intentions. A physical appearance plays no part in it. In my opinion if it comes down to looking like you follow God then it's just to look good in other peoples eyes. I know someone who dresses in pure black, who others call a Satanist, but he follows the Bible quite closely. I don't understand what appearance has to do with following a certain higher-up.

Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it?
Dude! I wouldn't hate you, I'd be excited to learn about it. I get very eager to learn about different things, not just stereotypical things or judgmental things (kind of what I said in the previous question about physical appearance.) As long as you didn't try to "convert" me (not saying you would or anything) I would love to understand it... or try to.

(Clearly these are my opinions and I would appreaciate if I didn't get called out for any of my responses. Thank you. Sorry, if none of my responses were helpful... I just like responding to things xD )  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:22 pm
On a lesser note.
How did you know Christianity was right for you?
How did you become a christian?
Could you be friends with people who aren't?

1. It just felt right....
2. I grew up raised with it being shoved down my throat. I rebeled against it but came back to it on my own. So it's better fo rme this way.
3. Yea, of course I can. Most of my friends are not Christian, it doesn't bother me. I like them for them not for what they follow.  

ElisaBella Angel

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Rsnbl Faith

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:19 pm
Jump Jim Crow

Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?

nope, bible says to love our enemies as our selves.
Jump Jim Crow
Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments?

I try my hardest to follow it, but it isn't works that saves someone its faith in Christ. And I follow both.
Jump Jim Crow
Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO?

I hope none o.o
Jump Jim Crow
Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?

Everyone. For all are sinners deserving death, thats why Christ was sent to begin with.
Jump Jim Crow
Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace?

Theres a lot more to it than that. But heres a G.K. Chesterton quote "the only Defensible war is that of Defense" Simply, he is saying we may defend ourselves if we must. for Christ does tell his disciples to by swords for their defense.
Jump Jim Crow
Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?

It says in Romans that homosexuality is unnatural, therefor not of God. And in the Psalms, and in Jeremiah, it says how God knew us before we were born.
Jump Jim Crow
Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?

These are of our own, Isaiah 50:1 says that by our own iniquities have we sold ourselves.
Jump Jim Crow
Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?

Both, it means he created us like him, but the problem is that when Adam and eve ate of the fruit the knowledge of sin was born, and we fell.
Jump Jim Crow
Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it?

I would not hate you, and if I were to ask it would be to see where you were coming from and gain a better understanding of it. Would I accept it as something meant for you? God forbid, rather I would try and show you why Christianity is meant for all.

Jump Jim Crow
Sorry bout this, I'm really curious.
You can kick me out the guild later if you want

Curiosity is fine, it actually tells us in the bible, that we should study so that we can tell others what we believe and why we believe it, and so we may defend our faith.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:35 pm
Jump Jim Crow
On a lesser note.
How did you know Christianity was right for you?
How did you become a christian?
Could you be friends with people who aren't?

I'am not trolling.
I'am simply curious.

I respect all of you for your beliefs .
Please respect mine, even if you do not like it.

Its what I was raised in...but much more than that, to get into that though, I would rather do it somewhere else, don't want to kill ya with a wall of text xD.

Easily I realized how lost I was...and realized who had been waiting for me the whole time.

I have a lot of friends who aren't, some atheist, some wiccan, some who are agnostic.  

Rsnbl Faith

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True Archangel

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:15 pm
Jump Jim Crow
No I'am not a troll.
First off I' am not a christian I joined this to see the way other people think.
I'm going to ask a few questions, feel free to answer them.
You don't even have to if you don't want to.

Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?
Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments?
Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO?
Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?
Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace?
Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?
Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?
Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?
Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it?

Sorry bout this, I'm really curious.
You can kick me out the guild later if you want

If you said Question#1 to the catholics, They would have said "yes."  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:57 pm
Jump Jim Crow
No I'am not a troll.
First off I' am not a christian I joined this to see the way other people think.
I'm going to ask a few questions, feel free to answer them.
You don't even have to if you don't want to.

Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?
Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments?
Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO?
Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?
Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace?
Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?
Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?
Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?
Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it?

Sorry bout this, I'm really curious.
You can kick me out the guild later if you want

Jesus dose not scorn anyone, nor will I.

It is hard to follow everything. Just cause we are christian, does not mean we do not make mistakes. The thing is to try to follow everything you can. God is forgiving and understands that we make mistakes.

I certaintly won't.

I have always been christian but like I said, just cause we are christian, it dosn't mean we don't make mistakes.

Peace between his creations is what God wants but unfortunatly, people just can't seem to grasp that.

Honestly, I am no fan of abortion. But I do not hate people who do it. I do not hate Gay's, but I do not support them either. God has said that it is a sin but we are to not hate anyone.

These thing's are reactions of our own stupidity and Jesus cannot help those who do not ask for it. God gave us free will to do what we want and these things are the results of our own mistakes.

In God's image...I beleive that means he would like us to love like he does, if we did, then there would be no war, fighting, pain, murder.

I'm not sure. God said we are to hate Satan but not hate people...I would feel bad for you if that was the case and hope that Jesus would enter your heart so that you would see the truth about Satan.  

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:35 pm
Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do? No, i just feel bad for you
Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments? I try to, but I obviously can't follow everything without some help
Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO? I wont...
Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?I was, heck, i probably still am
Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace? War and Violence all the way, when its necesary. Heck, Samson was violent!
Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?Abortion is, litterally, taking an inocent blameless life. I have nothing against homo-sexuals though.
Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?Because God gave Satan the position of prince of the world until He came again. Also as results for the mountains of sin in the world
Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?Sorry, I don't really get that either
Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it? biggrin I wouldn't try and understand it, but i'd ask about it, pray for you, and try and help you.xD

Did that answer your question sir?  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:12 am
Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do? No. I respect everyone's right to believe what they want to. It's not as if any of us can prove we're right.

Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments? I don't follow the bible to the letter. The be honest I haven't even read all of the bible. I don't believe that everything in the bible is completely true and the word of God, because it was written by man, and man is by nature imperfect.

Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO? We'll find out soon I guess wink .

Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian? I don't really know what you mean but this. Everyone sins, even Christians. We are all 'wrong doers' in a sense.

Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace? I believe in peace at all times. I don't believe that violence is ever justified.

Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me? I don't believe abortion is right because you are taking a potential life from the world, and I don't think anyone should be given that kind of power, it's dangerous. I don't believe that homosexuality is wrong.

Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague? Because there is sin in the world. Remember the garden of Eden? It was perfect because no one sinned. Bad thoughts and bad actions result in bad things happening. I believe that God allows them to happen because whilst he gives us the choice to sin, the consequences of sin come with that choice.

Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God? I think when people talk about 'God's image' they usually mean trying to model themselves and their behaviour on those which they attribute to God.

Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it? Well, to be honest I don't know much about the beliefs of a LaVay Satanist so I wouldn't have an opinion straight away. But as I said, I respect everyone's right to their own beliefs and I am very interested in the different religious ideas of different people.



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PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:45 pm
Srry, I tried to read all of the posts before I responded, but I lost interest after the first few posts and I disagreed with some of them. :

Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?
No, god is love, and hate is not of god.
Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments?
As believers in god, we try not to conform his words into what fits our lives. But God has changed some of the things that were once in the old testament. (for example, the old testament said an eye for an eye, the new testament says otherwise; though I cant think of it atm, srry.)
Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO?
Er...I'm not one of the people who will. In fact, I encourage your curiosity. 3nodding
Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?
We are all born in sin, and we must make mistakes, aka do wrong, to learn other wise. We don't always know something is wrong, or we don't always find our parents advise enough to keep from doing it. It all comes with trial and effort. So yes, I was once a wrong doer as you say.
Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace?
War and violence was even used in the bible, and god guided his people through it. Sometimes ignorance allows no other solution other that war, I suppose.
Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?
Abortion is wrong, and may people have said why before. And it is even in genesis, god said to be fruitful and multiply, we cannot do that with a member of the same sex. There's an easy answer to that right there. And homosexuality is a spirit, man was not designed to desire a person of the same sex. So those that believe that you can be born gay are incorrect. And I do believe you can go to hell for being homosexual (not that it's my call, I can't say who goes to hell and who doesn't, no matter what the situation is.) because that is not of god, and not accepting god is not the sole reason for going to hell. There are many reason god took peoples lives in the bible, like for worshiping other gods or sleeping with animals, ect. Though we can all conclude that they never excepted god because they sinned, it was not the sole reason.
Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?
God gave man control over the earth, and the bible also says the satanl is the prince of this earth. God gave man free will, and he is letting us live with what we have done. I would not say it was god's way of punishing us, that's what hell is for, god is simply refusing to clean us after our stupid mistakes.
Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?
We are created in god's image, meaning we are made to look like he looked physically. But it also works on a spiritual lever, because we are supposed to make ourselves liken unto god in the sense that we try and act like him and thing in a godly way.
Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it?
I simply would not agree with your views. And though I would be curious, I would have to keep in mind that if I don't understand god fully, that learning about other world views may confuse my own world view and make me doubt god, which is bad.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:59 pm
How did you know Christianity was right for you?
The bible says to test god and find him to be true. I'm testing him by being a christian, and I'm finding him to be true, it's as simple as that.
How did you become a christian?
I became a christian because I wanted to know god. My mother stopped believing in him when I was really small because my grandmother died and it was really hard for her to except sense my grandma was an evangelist. But a few years ago, we started going to church again. And while we were there, I saw how everyone worshiped him. They all spoke of a man that changed their lives, healed their sick, and brought them into a better situation than what they were in before. My mother herself serves him with all of her heart, and everyone cried when they talked about god. So I thought to myself, who is this man that brings everyone such joy? Who is this man that says he loves me despite who I am, who protects me, gives me what I need, and considers me to be his child? Who is this man who can bring my mother, who has seen hardships that would have broken any woman, to tears? I just had to know who this man was, who seemed to mean so much to all of these people. So I decided to give it a try. I went to church and prayed and learned, and I fell in love with god and have been working to know him more ever since.
Could you be friends with people who aren't?
Yes, and I do have friends who do not know or believe in god. I pray for those people who do not, because you never know what god has in store for them. smile  


Unstoppable Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:58 am
Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?
Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments?
I try to follow it all.
Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO?
I won’t smile
Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?
I was (and still make mistakes sometimes though I try not to). I used to be Wiccan so I think that especially applies to wrong doing/
Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace?
Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?
Abortion is killing so it’s wrong. I think homosexual acts are wrong because it is giving in to lust (and because choosing sexual gratification over God’s commands) and there is somewhere in the bible that talks about man not laying with a man as he lays with woman.
Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?
Because of free will and the results of Eve eating the forbidden fruit.
Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?
Not entirely sure about this myself yet.
Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it?
I wouldn’t hate you. I would be concerned about the path you are on though,

How did you know Christianity was right for you?
I’ve studied, learned, and been quite a few different religions over the years. None has even come close to the way I feel about Christianity.
How did you become a christian?
Gradually. I heard about it, then a few years later I bought a fiction book I didn’t know was Christian themed, a few more years later I went on vacation as a present I received a series of books that turned out to be Christian themed (the person who gave them to me wasn’t aware of it either) and then I had to wait at the end of my vacation because we had a few hours to kill and the only thing around where we were was a Christian bookshop so we browsed in there and I bought a bible. Over a year later I decided to invite Jesus into my life.
Could you be friends with people who aren't?
Yeah. I actually don’t know many people who are so…I’d be friendless if not smile  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:21 pm
♩♪♫ 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔠 𝔱𝔬 𝔪𝔶 𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔰 ♫♪♩
Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?
not at all.
Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments? as a christian, i follow what Christ tells me to (it's all in the new testament).
Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO? not i. you should ask all you have to ask. allways.
Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?uum... not sure what you mean, sorry. :S
annyway maybe this helps: i was born in a christian family, but allways had the opportunity to choose by myself and, i dunno why, i never stopped believing, so far.
Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace? i do believe in peace. war and violence are wrong in every situation. Christ was killed for me and you, without fighting back.
Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me? i think God created men and woman. men to be men, woman to be woman. there's nothing simpler than this. i think homossexuallity is some kind of collapse of human's tendence to complicate.
Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague? war, famine and plague are not God's work. it's men's work. God is Love, men without God is sin. Don't take me wrong, cause i also believe there are good people who dont believe in God. i consider that God is with them altough they don't notice yet (and hope they will some day).
Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God? God's Image is LOVE. just that.
Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it? i wouldn't hate you, i would talk to you about it if you wanted to. most likely, i would pray to God to help you to wake up.  


Invisible Shapeshifter


Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:44 pm
Jump Jim Crow
No I'am not a troll.
First off I' am not a christian I joined this to see the way other people think.
I'm going to ask a few questions, feel free to answer them.
You don't even have to if you don't want to.

Question 1: Do you dislike me and or scorn me for not believing in what you do?
Question 2: How many of you follow everything the bible tells you? Do you only follow certain Testaments?
Question 3: How many of you are going to yell at me to GTFO?
Question 4: How many of you were "wrong doers"(sorry I couldn't think of a different word to use) before turning christian?
Question 5: Do you believe war and violence must be used? Or do you believe in peace?
Question 6:Abortion and Homo-Sexuality is wrong, Why? Please explain, every time I try to ask a christian about this they just say they are going to hell. Clear this up for me?
Question 7: If God loves everyone and everything then why is there war, famine and plague?
Question 8: What does in God's Image mean? Is it appearance? Or actual molded forms with thoughts and beliefs like God?
Question 9: If I told you I was a LaVey Satanist, would you hate me or ask me about it and try to understand it?

Sorry bout this, I'm really curious.
You can kick me out the guild later if you want

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1. biggrin Why would I dislike you for not believing what I believing? We're told to follow Jesus' example (which is something that is remarkably impossible, but it helps to make some improvements...) and Jesus hung out with some of those who weren't "socially acceptable".
2. I try to follow as much as I can, but it's kind of hard because sometimes it feels like it contradicts itself, which isn't the case if you think about the things in context. (I think people pull out verses that sound contradicting but don't really in context, sort of how a piece of a jigsaw puzzle doesn't make any sense.)
3. Not me. biggrin
4. Everyone's a wrong-doer from birth. It's not something we can help.
5. God himself used violence. The thing about God being peaceful is wrong. God doesn't want us just to be peaceful, sometimes things come out of being radical. Although, I believe that we have authorities over us, and God appointed them there (there are no such things as accidents or coincidences to me) so I follow laws and rules and stuff.
6. Abortion is wrong because in the Bible (somewhere in Isaiah) God says that He knew us even before we were ever born -- from inside the womb, and he already had a plan for us, so abortion is killing God's best creation. We were designed after God.
7. It goes back to Genesis when Eve and Adam disobeyed.
8. Appearance and capability. When we were made, we were perfect and capable of miracles. The difference is we didn't know about things that would corrupt us...until they ate the Forbidden Fruit.
9. What's "LaVey"? I have a couple Satanist friends. I don't really mind it. They respect my faith. I respect what they believe in. I'm not gonna try to convert them if they don't want to. I'll love on them, sure, because that's what God's greatest commandment is. But even God doesn't force us to do things we don't want to. Why would I force them into my faith?

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