((I would like to be Captain of Squad 6 or 8. Doesn't matter to me.))

It was dark and cloudy, but when then clouds moved out of the way of the moon it brought a beautiful light in the night. In the beautiful night a Shinigami is jumping from building trying to find the hollows he had sensed. I hope I'm not to late... He thought to himself. He drew his Duel zanpaktou, he was getting closer. He was following the reiatsu of the hollow and it lead him to the outskirts of town. When he got there he saw five big hollows surrounding a girl that appeared to be seventeen. He saw that the girls soul chain was visible, so she was a spirit. He took two steps and used Shunpo to appear in front of the girl, he was now facing all five hollows alone. "Hey guys, sorry you had to run into me but now you're all about to die." He looked back at the girl, his captain's haori blowing in the breeze. "You should go." She nodded and started running.

The hollows roared and one of them said, "A Captain huh? We're going to eat good tonight guys." The hollow thrusts its claw at the shinigami with much power. He merely gave a small smile and dodged at the last moment, the hollows claw hit the ground making the dirt from the ground fly up; making a dust cloud. The shinigami used Shunpo to appear behind the hollow that attacked him, both of his zanpaktou had blood on them. After a few moments he turned around and both the hollows shoulders shot out blood, he pointed at the hollow with his index finger and said, "Hado #4 Byakuri." A powerful shot of lightning shot out of his finger and hit the hollow in the mask, the hollow then dissolved and disappeared. "Oh by the way I'm Akuma Soshi, Captain of Squad [6 or 8]."

Another hollow tried striking Akuma with its claw, Akuma laughed at how easy this was. He block the hollows claw with with the zanpaktou in his right hand. He had a crazy look in his eyes, which were now glowing red. He started cutting into the hollows claw, then he started running up its arm; cutting it in two in the process. When he got to the shoulder he pulled it out of the hollows arm and used Shunpo to appear on the opposite shoulder. He flipped of it shoulder and landed on the ground. At the same moment the hollows head came off and it dissolved. He turned to the remaining three. "Which one is next?" He asked, it was having the time of his life. He used Shunpo to Appear in front of the third hollow, before it had time to react Akuma had already stabbed it in the mask with both zanpaktou. He quickly jumped off as the fourth had slashed its claw at Akuma and the one he killed had dissolved.

Akuma had made it away from the hollow at the last moment, lucky for him or the hollow would have torn his arm off. He pointed two fingers at one of the remaining two hollows and said, "Bakudo # 61 Rikujokoro." Six thin, but wide, beams of light that slam into the hollows midsection, holding it in place. The other hollow was already charging a Cero, before Akuma saw it the hollow had already shot it. He quickly reacted by using Shunpo to appear about twenty feet above the Cero. He had his palm facing the hollow that had shot the Cero at him and said, "Hado # 33 Sokatsui." He fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at the hollow, destroying half of it; the hollow then dissolved. This left only one, the one that was caught in Bakudo 61. As he fell, Akuma fell toward the hollow and slashed the hollow completely in half. Also dispelling the Bakudo, the final hollow dissolved. A few moments later the girl came back to that Akuma, then they said their good-byes and Akuma put the end of his zanpaktou on her forehead and sent her to the Soul Society.