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Where do we draw the line?! Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:02 pm
Can a fellow Christian answer this for me?
I was gonna post this on Facebook, but this will be less flame-war inducing.

The part of the Bible that condemns homosexuality also says:
A woman is unclean for a certain time after having a baby.
Incest is wrong.
bestiality is wrong.
Stealing is wrong.
Wearing clothes of two different types of cloth is wrong.
Crossbreeeding animals is wrong.
Visit a preist if you are sick and quarentine yourself if it's a skin disease.
Anything and anyone that a woman on her period touches becomes unclean.
Tattoos are forbidden.

It's obvious that we definitely do not abide by some of these today, so tell me please where we draw the line?! Why are tattoos ok, and not gay people?
Afterall, in the end, God judges every sin at the same level of severity...
Where do we draw the line that decides something is more wrong than something else?
What made people say "Women can sit on whatever the heck they want while they're on their periods, but stealing is still bad." if both are next to eachother in the Bible?  
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 4:28 pm
I'm on a mobile, so I'll have to elaborate later. The quick answer is that Christ fulfilled the Old Testament and we are under a new law. This new law condemns homosexuality but says nothing about garments and directly and specifically addresses the food question.  



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PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 10:12 am
One thing we all need to realize is things changed after Christ died for our sins. When Christ died for our sins he gave us the chance of salvation. He was the perfect sacrifice and paid it all in blood and suffering. That is why we don't sacrifice animals anymore, because a perfect sacrifice was made. A lot of things changed after the crucifixion of Christ.

I am sorry if I can't justify everything clearly because I've been on the road for 24 hours, just got home and on my trip - my glasses broke so I can't see all that well. I also haven't read the entire Bible yet and in the New Testament it explains what parts have been put in the past in the laws.

In our society a woman that had a child is not unclean because it's a blessing and a beautiful thing. We don't have much of the clean and unclean thing because of the freedoms in society, and I believe that some of these freedoms were also allowed because of Christ's perfect sacrifice.

Incest in my opinion is definitely still wrong and I'm sure there's plenty of justification for this. Bestiality would definitely be wrong because we weren't created to have sex with animals and we can't reproduce that way anyway.

Stealing is definitely wrong because it's taking from someone else - it's a selfish impulse or desire that revolves around us and not God.

I don't believe wearing two different types of cloth is wrong and I know in scripture it mentions a specific two. There may have been a reason for that because of the clean and unclean thing and if someone was unclean they normally had to cleanse themselves and wash their clothes, too. Perhaps they grew more moldy or turned an undesirable color because of the clothes combined and the way they washed them. I believe this is something that only pertained to that time in the Bible.

I'm not sure where it says crossbreeding is wrong...I'm sorry I don't have any information on that. I'm not sure if you mean two different animals that are the same species and different color or if you are talking about trying to breed like a horse and a cat or something like that. For all I know, you could be talking about humans as well. It would help if you were more specific.

It does mention if you are sick to pray for others. You can see a priest if you are ill so they may pray over you - that's fine according to James 5:15 - 16. I'm not sure what to say about quarantine, but society will quarantine you if you are terminally ill with something that can spread to others. God probably quarantined people in the Old Testament as either a punishment such as what he did to Miriam or because they were ill and didn't want to make others unclean.

Some societies have given women freedom to go out on their period and participate in every day activities. The blood Christ paid may have something to do with this, but I cannot say for sure. I'm sorry I can't be super clear on some of these topics.

To me, tattoo's are a gray area. I'm not sure what to think about them and they aren't my thing anyway - I personally don't like the idea of putting something permanent on your body. However, in the verse about writings on yourself, notice that it mentions "of the dead" and probably mentions other evils. Some people probably tattooed themselves with demonic symbols or things that would be against God back then. Witchcraft and other evils weren't uncommon back then and it isn't uncommon today.

If you do one sin, you are guilty of all. One sin is not better than another because they are all sin. Therefore, we cannot say that stealing is worse than murder or adultery is better than lying:

James 2:10 NIV:

For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

*Keep in mind that society is diverse and people are different. People may have different ideas as to what they consider right or wrong, whether or not they are correct about those rights and wrongs or not. What we can do is strive to understand God's word and what He is truly saying. Studying beyond the Bible only - such as the historical context, original meanings of words in the original languages the Bible was published in, and realizing how society was at those times it mentioned.  
PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 1:20 pm

I understand all of that, no doubt, especially about incest and bestiality, as well as stealing ect. I was just using it as an examples ^^ Thank you very much for your input <3 I'm just trying really hard to understand the homosexuality bit, and how we deem it wrong and throw it in there with the things that are obvious obscenities(Stealing, murder ect). I mean, they can not reproduce, but neither can some Christian women. And gay couples provide homes for children that need it if they choose to do so...

VK Fox
I'm on a mobile, so I'll have to elaborate later. The quick answer is that Christ fulfilled the Old Testament and we are under a new law. This new law condemns homosexuality but says nothing about garments and directly and specifically addresses the food question.

where does it condemn homosexuality in the New testament? That's the one thing I'm solely interested in finding at this point...I know that some of these things such as sacrifice are now void because of Christ's sacrifice.  



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PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:05 pm

I understand all of that, no doubt, especially about incest and bestiality, as well as stealing ect. I was just using it as an examples ^^ Thank you very much for your input <3 I'm just trying really hard to understand the homosexuality bit, and how we deem it wrong and throw it in there with the things that are obvious obscenities(Stealing, murder ect). I mean, they can not reproduce, but neither can some Christian women. And gay couples provide homes for children that need it if they choose to do so...

I'm glad to help whenever I can smile

I personally believe that homosexuality is wrong. However, my mindset is a bit different than most people who believe that. I condemn the action - not the person. The person has the power to turn their life around at any point and can always ask for Jesus' help and gain salvation. Jesus loves everybody and we are also called to do so. I just don't appreciate the possible sinful actions that come along with it that may form like adultery if they move on from partner to partner and having sex with someone of the same gender. So condemn the actions, not the person. There is a difference between accepting a person for who they are and accepting a person for what they do.

I assume you may know about the homosexuality bit in the Old Testament so I will post one or two from the New Testament as welll:

Romans 1:21 - 32 KJV:

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Jude 1:7 KJV:

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

*Of course the verse in Jude refers back to the story of Sodom and Gomorrha in the Old Testament. However, since it is repeated - I assume that this has a significance that we should always remember. Keep in mind that Sodom and Gomorrha probably didn't only have a few sins like adultery and sleeping with those of the same sex. In my personal opinion, I believe that Sodom and Gomorrha had a lot more problems than just that. Homosexuality is just one of the sins that is portrayed the most (but that doesn't make it worse than other sins - it's still the same).

Even though there are some women that can't reproduce for some reason - their bodies were originally created in order to do so. God made us to be man and woman. Woman was a helper and a partner for man and that way - human beings can reproduce. That was God's original design for us and I feel that going against it is incredibly dangerous. Perhaps God makes some women infertile for a specific reason and sometimes women are infertile due to another medical condition or something of that sort. Although, adoption is always an option for them. I feel bad for kids that have two mom's or two dad's. I think that would make things incredibly hard for a child - even in today's society. I know that if I grew up with two mom's or two dad's I would probably feel weird or embarrassed - especially going to a friend's house if they have a mom and a dad. Once again, I don't agree with the actions that those who are gay make take, but they still have the right to salvation and to repent of their ways if they so choose.  
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:20 pm

I understand all of that, no doubt, especially about incest and bestiality, as well as stealing ect. I was just using it as an examples ^^ Thank you very much for your input <3 I'm just trying really hard to understand the homosexuality bit, and how we deem it wrong and throw it in there with the things that are obvious obscenities(Stealing, murder ect). I mean, they can not reproduce, but neither can some Christian women. And gay couples provide homes for children that need it if they choose to do so...

VK Fox
I'm on a mobile, so I'll have to elaborate later. The quick answer is that Christ fulfilled the Old Testament and we are under a new law. This new law condemns homosexuality but says nothing about garments and directly and specifically addresses the food question.

where does it condemn homosexuality in the New testament? That's the one thing I'm solely interested in finding at this point...I know that some of these things such as sacrifice are now void because of Christ's sacrifice.

I didn't forget about you razz Work's been driving me up a wall.

Romans 1:26–27
1 Corinthians 6:9–10
1 Timothy 1:8–11

There are more which talk about sexual immorality.

1 Thessalonians 4:3
Romans 13:13
Hebrews 13:4 (undefiled marriage bed)
The verses above on Homosexuality do mention sexual immorality as well.

If you want to find them easily on the Internet, copy and paste them here.

It's important to note that these passages don't make homosexuality out to be a special sin. Yes, they call it sin, but they also say a lot of things are sin. I've seen this question put to a military chaplain before. What he said, and I think it carries a lot of merit, is that a homosexual can indeed enter Heaven. Same as a liar, a murderer, or an adulterer. The key point is repentance.  



PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:01 pm
VK Fox


Thank you so much you guys smile
This really helped ^~^
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:38 am

Did Jesus ever address this personally, or are we just looking at letters written by one of the early founders of the church, a human who is therefore imperfect and may have been expressing his own personal interpretation and beliefs? I'll admire the works of an early Church leader, and take that into consideration, but I don't give Paul's teachings the same weight as the actual words of Jesus.  


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:16 pm
Im no expert so Im just going to speak my mind.

A lot of old testament laws where put there by God for there own protection. All the cleanliness laws where put forth to prevent the spread of illness and to set boundaries for people.God knew what carried and caused illness. As far as the whole homosexual thing that is between those who choose that lifestyle and God. Im not saying your judging or anything Im just saying as man its not my place to judge. I have gay friends and I love them and pray for them. The whole tattoo thing came up because pagan cultures used to cut and ink themselves as part of there practices and God did not want the Hebrews to worship him in that way. People used to have to do these things to be close to god just as they would sacrifice lambs. But with the death of Christ he bridged that gap between us and God.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:54 pm

Did Jesus ever address this personally, or are we just looking at letters written by one of the early founders of the church, a human who is therefore imperfect and may have been expressing his own personal interpretation and beliefs? I'll admire the works of an early Church leader, and take that into consideration, but I don't give Paul's teachings the same weight as the actual words of Jesus.

So do you not believe the Bible to be true and accurate and God inspired? You think He would allow that?

1 Corinthians 2:12–13
" Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual."

2 Timothy 3:16–17
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."  


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:14 pm
Anybody can claim that a certain piece of writing is divinely inspired somehow, and therefore Scripture, and therefore should be believed in every way. This is more-or-less the way every single religious text on the planet is likely to be written.

Let me put it this way: The first four books of the New Testament have some mutually contradictory details, and among other things were written at a specific time and with certain social conditions that influenced their perspective on things (which is why the Jews are portrayed more as enemies in the later texts than the earlier ones, by the way). They can't all be right, and there's a pretty obvious bias at times.

So... no. No, I don't believe that every single thing in the Bible is factually accurate in every way. And don't even get me started on the ways that translating from other languages can change meanings, or the ways differences in culture then and now can impact how we read a statement, and so on and so forth. Believing everything in the Bible to be literally accurate would be incredibly silly of me, not to mention requiring that I stop thinking about what I'm reading. Of course, I have reason to believe that certain parts of the Old Testament are very literally inspired by God (like, letter by letter), so I guess it balances out.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:01 pm
Thanks for posting verses. I knew the New Testament mentioned homosexuality, but I wasn't sure where. ^^  


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:48 pm
In my honesty opinion, I think that if you have a guilty conscious or have a bad felling about it, then your morels or faith is telling you as a christian it is wrong. I know that there are Christians out there who have done one of these things, but think it is ok. It is up to individual interpretations in the scriptures, but some things are clearly written out in the old and new testament. I also think that it is society that plays a part on which people think it is ok to do certain things. I look it as if the bible is a guideline, but we as an individual Christan must make up that line and follow it with gods words in our mind.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:29 pm
Well, In the Catholic faith...there is a belief that if you confess your sin and ask god for forgiveness...and ask him for the strength to overcome your sin, then you will be obsolved of this sin.

However, it is also said in the catholic faith that there are two types of sin. Venial sins and Mortal sins.

Venial sins are forgivable sins, as it is stated that one can overcome them with faith. And thus, they do not taint the soul. In other words, they are sins that one can leave behind with their human shell when they face the almighty one. These sins fo not need to be confessed, but they should be repented for.

Mortal sins are different. They are typically viewed as unforgivable sins..because they challenge the love and friendship that god offers...and one is typically denied access to paradise when they have committed a mortal sin. These sins taint the soul. If a sin breaks one of the ten commandments...then it is considered to be a mortal sin. However, some mortal sins are said to be forgivable, provided you confess your sin and plead with the father for forgiveness, and the cleansing of your soul. Of course, this also means you must stop committing the sin for your soul to be cleaned.

The question, I assume, is mainly about

Laviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

This is something thats been questioned for so long. And people do not know whether it should be classified as a Venial or Mortal sin. The issue is...that someone can be a good person, and still commit this sin. But the other issue is that the verse calls this an abomination. A sin of lust, and one of the flesh. A sin that rests within your soul, and cannot be cleansed. In other words, If you're gay, you will always be gay. You can try to hide it. But it will always be true. Also note that God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gammora for committing such acts, among which was homosexuality. In other words, God found himself so disgusted by these acts, that he laid two cities to waste.

However, as man, we have no right to cast judgement against one for their sin. Such is the right of God the father. Therefore, I cannot tell you if this sin will deny you access to paradise. Because as man, I am flawed. I am not omnipotent, and though it might be in a different manner than formerly stated, I am bound by the vices of sin, which are linked to the flesh, such as Lust, Anger, and Greed. And as such, I am not fit to cast judgement.

On another note, Man seeks in many ways to justify or trivialize sin...but that does not take away the fact that sin is indeed sin. And in the end, the father will choose the weight of this sin on one's soul. So in other words "Just because people say its okay, doesn't mean God feels the same way."  

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:57 pm
in the catholic faith that there are two types of sin. Venial sins and Mortal sins

Venial sins are forgivable sins

Mortal sins are different. They are typically viewed as unforgivable sins

However, some mortal sins are said to be forgivable


I don't understand. Why are they in the category of "unforgivable" (by human definition, apparently) when they are supposedly able to be forgiven? This makes no sense.  
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