I'm making a go of trying to get the old girl back up and running. For the moment, I'm mostly just trying to go through and clean up our forums. I'm re-making most announcement and sticky threads, although I'm probably going to leave up most of the discussion threads, even though they haven't been active for years. It will give members a good starting place.

I will most likely be making the guild public (unless anyone strongly objects) at least temporarily. Hopefully that will help us drum up some activity and new members. If having the guild become problematic at any point, we can always switch it back to private.

I'm definitely going to need new, ACTIVE crew members, so if that's something you'd be interested in doing, please PM me. It doesn't matter if you were an active member back when the guild was last active. So long as you're active and enthusiastic now, that's all that matters.

I'm also probably going to want to hand the title of captain off to someone else once things are gaining some momentum (there are several reasons for this). If you'd be interested in taking ownership of the guild somewhere down the line, please PM me sooner rather than later.

I'm also going to need a lot of help with things like advertising, promoting, banner-making, etc., so if you or anyone you know is good at that sort of stuff, please let me know.