DJ Hope 1990

Yumaki x-Set-x Kuraishi

Rokkubantai Taichou Kuchiki Akane
I'm coming up on infra-red, There's no running that can hide you, 'Cause I can see in the dark.....

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Squad Ability: Iron Chains
Profile: Kuchiki Akane
Zanpaktou: Seishuku no Shikyo (Silence of Death)

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Akane was getting seriously annoyed at the way the half-unstuck fake wart now all but hanging off her nose was swinging as she effected overly dramatic hands movements that were generally assorted with gypsy fortune tellers.

However, what was annoying her even more so right now was the interaction between her beloved little sister and this pervert of an Azurian. Akane was, to be honest, about a pink hair's breath from grabbing the guy and making making mince meat out of his face with her iron enforced and fashionably manicured fingernails. Akane never held back in her feelings, not matter what it was: love, hate, pity, or, as now, red hot jealousy. The fact that her real feelings were all but never shown had nothing to do with the fact that while Akane did hide all from everyone, she was brutally honest with herself.

She was rather sure she would not have been happy at having her little sister married to someone she liked; the sheer bad luck of her having to marry someone she despised was simply something she could not even describe. Not even if she wanted to. It was like waving a red cape at a pink bull.she made no bones about planning to get rid of the groom no matter what it took.

"What wonderful people you are!" Akane crooned, still in her 'gypsy crone' act. "Certainly your eyes see farther than most! But ah! Even you cannot guess this one!"

Akane waved her arms, making a horrible racket with the clanking of the unbelievable mass of bangles that did not so much as decorate, but armor her arms.

"I know a word of letters three. Add two and fewer there will be. What is the word?"

With this said, she sat back, arms crossed in satisfaction across her chest, and nodded, suddenly clutching her head as her wig almost flew off, glittering scarf and all...

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One last thing before I shuffle off the planet, I will be the one to make you crawl,
So I came down to wish crash your beggars' banquet, Someone call the ambulance...........

(Out Of Cookiedough: Man, after playing Domino and Peter now, I'm seriously out of Akane......O_O)