Okay, here are the rules:

1.) No coarse or harsh language, especially when directed at another individual.

2.) No cybering, go watch some porn if you really need to get off.

3.) A Tolerance for anyone and everyone, no matter what race, ethnic background, sexual orientation, or religious affiliations they might have.

4.) No harassment, which ties in with rule No.3

5.) No cyber-stalking, don't be a creep and follow the same person everywhere.

6.) Do not spam the forums, seriously, I hate cleaning up after people, my bedroom is a perfect example.

* There will be more rules added as the guild becomes busier with the chatter of it's new found members. Rules will also be added to the forums as they become available. Keep in mind, that these rules still apply to the guild as a whole, but some forums might have specific rules only in accordance to that forum. For example, Role Playing.

** If you do not follow these rules you will get only one warning, and then you will be banned from any further use of this guild. You wrote it, so why shouldn't you face the consequences, right?

*** If you have any questions at all regarding the rules, or even more rules you think she would be added, feel free to PM me or the VP Ashley_Winston