✘[ Directory & Job Listings ]✘

This is where you can suggest a new place, suggest a job, claim a job or ask any questions you need to!

This topic can be in or out of character, but all other topics in this forum will be in character if not otherwise indicated by the most commonly used double parenthesis: " (( like this ))

To be used to indicate switching to a different area, etc.

Do you want to open your own cafe?
Ask here!

Feel like you could do a great job as an inn keeper?
Ask here, and the job is yours!

Below is a list of the current businesses and jobs located here in the Fantasy Role Play.

The Blue Moon Inn:
Inn Keeper:

The Lunatic Cafe:
Host / Hostess:
Waiter / Waitress:

Guilty Pleasures Strip Club:
Male Stripper:

Community Places:

Central Park:
Fire Dancer:
Suspicious Cat peddling wares in various shadowy places: