Name: Kitiara Moalbern

Age: 19

Likes: Sweets, Tea, Nature, being outside, rain, sunshine, books, art, music, freedom, Animals and children

Dislikes: Bullies, Being told what to do, being caged, her tail and ears touched.

Past: Kitiara was born in a village hidden deep within a forest to a clan of kitsunes. She was one of few born with white fur, gaining the name spirit kitsune. Their magic was slightly different to others of their race. She grew stronger and learnt fast growing up. Kit had just turned of age when one of their village wondered back injured. Kit volunteered to go out to gather the plants to heal the injured warrior. She was already gone when he woke to warn them strange hunters were in their forest. Kit had wondered down the path gathering plants of multiple uses when she heard shots being fired nearby. Many tribes of similar races like the kitsunes lived in the forest. Kit threw the basket down to try helping. It was then she stumbled upon canine races and water spirits being captured. Chains and nets tossed over the inhabitants, neighbors and friends being dragged into cages and thrown onto trucks. Kit debated trying to help when one of the men’s dogs started sniffing the air and growling. When she turned to run one of the men caught sight of her pale hair and gave chase. She zigzagged through the trees and climbed up the tree. The hunters shot her way as the dogs leapt up at her. She had just grabbed a branch when a bullet shattered the wood, sending her plummeting down to the ground. She swore as the breath was knocked out of her. Kit tried fighting the men and hounds off but was outnumbered. Soon she was locked in a cage and taken from her homeland and sold to a shop.

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