Welcome On This Rock! I'm SinfulGuillotine (also known as Enj), your friendly captain, here to tell you some things you might like to know.

arrow The Rules:
-Respect the Gaia ToS at all times.

-Respect all guild members.

-Be as literate as you can. tiping lyk dis lolz accomplishes nothing but irking me (and others). Perfect spelling and grammar are not expected, but just do the best you can.

-Keep in mind that this is a Catholic guild, so please try to keep vulgar language to a minimum.

-Keep debates as civil as possible. It's understandable that things get heated sometimes, but remember that there's a real human being behind the words in these forums, and act accordingly.

- There is to be no bashing, flaming, etc. at all, but especially not on people's personal lives, sexual orientation, or differing theological opinions. We want this to be a safe, supportive place for all members. Members who cross the line will be given two warnings via PM, and the third transgression will result in being banned from the guild.

-Please, please try to stay reasonably active in the guild. We've been experiencing a frustrating lack of activity lately, so I want to stress that we want you to post! I'm not going to make any sort of rule where we'll kick you out if you don't post enough, but honestly, what's the point of being in a guild if you never interact with the other members? So please, don't be afraid to jump into discussions, start threads, etc.

-Do not argue with me or the mods if we tell you something regarding guild policy. I know that I won't pull the superiority card often (and I count on my mods to do the same), but I will if I feel I need to. If I or another mod does, please respect that it's our job to make and enforce rules, not yours.

arrow The Mods:
Captain: SinfulGuillotine

If you have any questions, concerns, problems with fellow members, etc., please don't hesitate to PM any of these people. That's why we're here.

arrow The Forums:
We have several forums, and although they're pretty self-explanatory, in the hopes of generating more activity in the subforums, I shall explain each briefly.

-The Main Forum: This forum is for more serious discussions and observations relating to Catholicism, as well as stickies and announcements with basic resources for you.

-Random Stuff: Basically for anything that doesn't fit in the other forums. Silly randomness may abound!

-Artistic Inspirations: Post your art, writing, photography, etc., and talk about the works of others.

-Life Issues and Advice: Talk about your problems, ask for advice, give advice, or just vent to sympathetic ears...er...eyes.

arrow The Mules:
Although everyone here is nice and understanding, if, for whatever reason, you wish to post anonymously (especially useful for certain topics in the Life Issues/Advice Subforum), we have two mule accounts that our members have access to for such purposes.

on this rocker - female
onthisrocka - male

The password for both is "password."

arrow Donations:
If you wish to donate gold or items to the guild for future prizes for contests and the like, please send them to the captain, SinfulGuillotine, not the guild account. We're only able to buy subforums with the guild account money, and we already have all the subforums we need. Thanks!

Now, if you're new and you've finished reading all this, go introduce yourself, engage in discussions, and enjoy On This Rock. We're happy to have you!