Greetings to you, fellow writers and appreciated listeners to the word...

I am LordBloodySoul, Writer of the words once spoken in the forgotten Ages of Agony... I shall share with you the riddles, poems and poetry of those who are long lost...

Column of nothingness
Empty silence
Torn apart by the darkness
With heartless violence

Birth given to light
Awakened from afar
Wielding gently its might
Giving live to the star

Twinkling thunder upon the dark veil
Bursting the flames of Temper
Reaching its hand out – to live and prevail
Engulfs them both and tries to remember

But soon it was devoured by the mirror’s palm
Reflecting walls with needles and spikes
Putting the flames rampage to a calm
Returning the darkness and the light

Followed by dust and a wonderful song
Embraced with tender care
Awaken the green cloak that will always belong
To those who believe, thank and despair

Clouds and Rain came together this day
Left their tears and laughter
The gaps in the dust couldn’t keep it at bay
So the sea and the ocean filled soon after

Together they dance and watch us grow
Look upon the fragile picture they had caught
Together they sing from high up and below
Watching and guiding us while we walk

At this New Beginning of our world.