The Protection of Holyrockarian Sovereignty in Furies Gaia

Since the independence of all of the Furry Gaian nations, all but one has remained a colonial territory. That Furry nation is BlazingSoulSphere which remains a colony of the Kingdom of Holy Rocker101. The Holyrockarian presence in Furies Gaia began with the acquisition of BlazingSoulSphere but it wasn't until the Holyrockarian conquest of Furies India that the Kingdom of Holy Rocker101 began to exert tremendous influence in the affairs of the Furry Gaian population. With the independence of all but one of the Furry colonial nations, the Kingdom of Holy Rocker101 has managed to preserve its presence in the region with the retention of BlazingSoulSphere but not without tensions in with the independent Furry nations. All of the independent Furry governments affirm that Holyrockarian rule in BlazingSoulSphere must end and that the Kingdom withdraw and renounce all sovereignty over BlazingSoulSphere in order for Furies Gaia to be fully decolonized. Despite the opposition towards the Kingdom's Maintenance of its colonial regime in BlazingSoulSphere, the Holyrockarian government has stated that the political relationship between Holy Rocker101 and BlazingSoulSphere is a domestic affair and will be addressed by the Holyrockarian and Blazonian governments. The Kingdom of Holy Rocker101 has implemented many policies in BlazingSoulSphere in order to consolidate its sovereignty in his Furry Gaian territory beginning with the strengthening of the military base in BlazingSoulSphere and with the bestowal of Holyrockarian citizenship on BlazingSoulSphere. Furies India as well as the other Furry Gaian nations vigorously protested the Kingdom's imposition of its citizenship in BlazingSoulSphere stating that it was another maneuver of the Kingdom of Holy Rocker101 to maintain its control and to completely negate the possibility of independence for BlazingSoulSphere. As a result, BlazingSoulSphere to this day remains a colonial possession of the Kingdom of Holy Rocker101.