Was Hist List the last book?
Is this gonna end as ridiculously as the Merry Gentry series?
Is anyone else outraged at how poorly wrapped up Laurell K. Hamilton ends her series - with no warning, gigantic, unsatisfactorily loose threads waving madly in the proverbial breeze, etc., etc.?
At least the Merry Gentry series did it's "big bad" justice in the finale.
Anita got "Drink the sea" ?! Seriously?! AND IT HAPPENED
THAT was the end of the Mother Of All Darkness?! She had more trouble with the Council and they weren't supposed to be nearly as powerful.
I suppose my frustration comes from confusion. As much as I adore this series and appreciate that no series can go on indefinitely (tell that to Piers Anthony *cough* XANTH *coughcough*) it just seems like a cop out ending.
Why spend an entire saga building up her relationships with her lovers/power base and emphasizing their importance only to have none of them appear in the final battle? In the end it was all her, one ridiculous moment from Jean Claude, and a bunch of secondary and tertiary characters in a relatively short struggle.