"Were you not listening when I explained to our less-than-intelligent friend?" Durithill said with a sigh after the odd man with the odd accent asked who Alexander Gingerback was. Was it so much to ask that people at least be informed of the major players in the world? "Alexander Gingerback is the head one one of the largest, if not the largest, trading empires in existence, and also the man we have traveled all this way to see. Efferia Isle, the place we now are about to enter, is his base of operations. Of course, it is not so simple that we can just walk there unimpeded. To enter Efferia, one must have permission." Thus the runes that now asked them all whether they were ready to accept Alex's will. I do. Durithill thought to the runes as he held his hand to his chest where the card with Alex's symbol was that Tobias had given him not long before. It was about time for things to start getting interesting.