
      Yaluria is, actually, a country within the bigger world, Kouderra. There are five major cities: Phoenix, Caeli, Khi City, Xerilla, and Karnic.

      The five cities have an element attached to them. Phoenix has Fire and Ether, Caeli has Light, Khi has Dark, Xerilla has Water, and Karnic has Earth. The Air Element does not have a city for itself as it was previously lost after the death of the Angel of Wind and currently resides at the bottom of the ocean (see Angels section).

      Yaluria as a country is the smallest of the three (with the other two being Avaris and Tilsa). It's the most fertile and most peaceful, with forests all over the island-like continent. The cities are no more than a few miles apart, so theoretically one could jog around it within a day. However, as it isn't the most technologically advanced, there are various monsters and dangerous animals out in the forests, so one is ill-advised to travel around unless well-prepared. The residents of Yaluria all know basic weapons techniques.

      It also holds the only in-tact Church of the Angels, something all three countries are dying to get their hands on. There are also several in-tact ruins and statues dotted all over the place, supposedly from the time the Angels visited the Human Realm. If not for the Church and the various ruins and statues, no one would know Angels once lived upon the land.


      In the world of Yaluria, very few people can actually use magic. Among those are descendants of the angels or the elves, both equally rare. Humans can also use magic if they've been in the extended presence of an angel, though more commonly an Elemental than anything as they are the most powerful types of angels. Elves, on the other hand, generally only know how to use healing-type magic, and as such there aren't many normal humans that inherited any of their abilities.

      One can also use magic if they have inherited the power of some type of demon. However, as demons are prohibited from leaving the Demonic Realm, there are next-to-none human-demon hybrids. Especially given that most demons prefer to hunt humans, rather than mate with them.

      There are angels of all types, ranging from basic natural elements to more unusual powers, like the manipulation of metals or wood, blood maybe, even the crafting type.

Yalurian History

      Yaluria is the smallest of three countries on the world of Kouderra. It was previously first inhabited some three-thousand years ago, according to the Kouderran Calendar (KC), and it was at that time where Humans, Elves, and Angels lived in harmony. The Elemental Angels - Lady Mika, Queen of the Angels and the Angel of Light; Luria Nympha, Angel of Water; Daniel Masato, Angel of Wind; Ursulas Gigantis, Angel of Earth; Angelo "Fiery" Incendius, Angel of Fire; Anaeli Ileana, Angel of Ether; and Lord Haemon, King of the Angels and Angel of Darkness - often visited, and were responsible for ensuring the land was pure and the world stayed in order, as the elements by themselves would have destroyed the world. At this time, there were no separate realms.

      So there were demons as well.

      The Angels and Elves took care of the Demons as best they could, trying to ensure that the humans weren't completely wiped out by them. Naturally, there were Demons who opposed the Angels and wished to take away their power over the world, and so there were several clashes between the two factions. Pretty soon, Haemon created the Demonic Realm, and Mika locked the demons in it in order to prevent their hunts, and submerged both the Angel and Human Realms in a holy light to prevent them from returning easily.

      There was one demon, however, by the name of Sylvia Khi.

      It is highly debatable as to whether or not she was the most powerful Demon at the time, but she was certainly a force to be reckoned with. She wanted to submerge the world in the kind of darkness demons required to live easily, which had been locked with them in their realm when Haemon and Mika banished them. What she required, however, was the blood of all seven angels. And so she initiated a battle with them, one-on-one, and managed to get what she required without killing them. At first.

      While attempting to steal from Daniel, she was surrounded by the other six, and a huge battle broke out. It ultimately destroyed several human cities (the ruins scattered all over the Yalurian continent in present-day time), despite the Elementals' best attempts to prevent the destruction. In the end she managed to do more than gain the blood of the Wind Angel: she ripped out his wings and killed him, as well as cursed his bloodline (see Angels section).

      Mika, furious and in a fit of rage, killed Sylvia.

      To make matters worse, the Humans blamed the Angels for their troubles. This combined with her rage caused Mika to separate the three realms. The Elves, being loyal to Angels to the very end, joined them in the Angel Realm. Humans eventually moved out due to the evil plaguing the land and causing famine thanks to Sylvia's destruction, and the land became uninhabited. Humans didn't begin to reinhabit it until after the discovery of the Church of the Angels in 2743 K.C.

      There are odd rumours of Angel sightings in the Yalurian land. However, there has never been anything confirmed. Because of these rumours, however, humans began to worship the Angels again, and prayed for their return, relearning their bitter past and hoping that one day they could be forgiven.


      There are several types of angels, with their being only seven Elementals for each of the elements: Light, Dark, Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and Ether. The job of the Elementals is to ensure that the Kouderran world is kept in order, and no element is to overpower any other, all coexisting in perfect harmony. With the death of the Angel of Wind, however, that balance was upset, and they pray for the reincarnation of said Elemental.

      Angels, like any creature, can 'die'. However, their soul is reincarnated into another angel, and they generally keep the same memories and abilities as their past life. The regular lifespan of an angel, however, is about eight-hundred or so years. The Elementals are different: they generally live for thousands of years, so long as their element remains in tact. The only true way to kill an Elemental is, in fact, to rip out their wings, which is essentially attached to the 'core' of their being. Regular angels will also die from this, but are generally easy to kill in the sense that they aren't as powerful as the Elementals.

      Reincarnations of Angels retain the same injuries as their previous lives, but will gradually recover from them depending on the severity of the injury.

          Example - If an angel broke an arm or a leg in their first life and were crippled because of it, they will retain that same cripple in their second life but gradually recover from it. If they lost their wings in the first life, they will not have wings in the second but will regrow them gradually until they have regained them.

              Hierarchy of Elementals - (In order from top to bottom)

                  Angel of Light

                  Angel of Dark

                  Angel of Wind

                  Angel of Water

                  Angel of Fire

                  Angel of Earth

                  Angel of Ether

              Hierarchy of General Angels - (In order from top to bottom)

                  Light Angels

                  Dark Angels

                  Wind Angels

                  Water Angels

                  Fire Angels

                  Earth Angels

                  Ether Angels

                  Non-Element Angels

                  Crafting Angels

              Generally speaking, the non-element-type angels are governed by the element-type. And the element-types are governed by their respective Elemental (ex. - water angels governed by Angel of Water, fire angels by Angel of Fire, etc). The hierarchy goes like so:

              Each Elemental housed their own "city" on Yaluria, with the exception of the Angel of Ether who shared with the Angel of Fire, as they are fairly similar. Phoenix is governed by the Fire and Ether Elementals, Caeli is governed by the Light Elemental, Khi governed by the Dark Elemental, Xerilla by Water Elemental, and Karnic by Earth.

              Due to the death of the Angel of Wind, wind angels became few and died out, lacking their "governing" Elemental. Their city, whose name was lost with time, originally floated above the land of Yaluria but fell into the ocean following the Wind Elemental's death. There are rumours that the city and its inhabitants remain intact and protected by the Angel of Water's power, but any attempts to confirm this have been thwarted due by the fierceness of the ocean depths, allegedly from Luria's rage at the death of her companion