This is a United Gaian Nations' documentary about the history of the Gaian known as BlazingSoulSphere or officially the "Commonwealth of BlazingSoulSphere".

                  Beginnings of BlazingSoulSphere
The BlazingSoulSphere of the past was one that greatly contrasts the BlazingSoulSphere of the present. The Gaian possessed no organized governmental system or economic system. This caused a stagnation of both political and economic development in the Gaian. Despite this lack of development, BlazingSoulSphere underwent substantial cultural development. Furry influence eventually took hold in BlazingSoulSphere and became the basis for Blazonian culture. With this cultural achievement, BlazingSoulSphere obtained his own identity in Gaia which continues to flourish till this day.

                              Foreign Domination
Due to the Gaian's relative weakness, BlazingSoulSphere was easily manipulated by other powerful more developed Gaians. Inukumee Xuanzang established a strong presence in BlazingSoulSphere and created a sphere of influence over the Gaian making him a de facto colony of Inukumee Xuanzang. With this sphere of influence, Inukumee Xuanzang manipulated the affairs of BlazingSoulSphere and achieved an economic dominance over the Gaian. This caused BlazingSoulSphere to depend heavily on the thriving economy of Inukumee Xuanzang. Despite Inukumee Xuanzang's strong influence over BlazingSoulSphere, it would come to an end by a newly modernized and powerful Gaian nation.

                      Holyrockarian Colonization
The conquest of BlazingSoulSphere by the Kingdom of Holy Rocker101 marked a period in the Gaian's history that would change him forever. After modernizing his entire account, Holy Rocker101 began to focus more on external affairs than internal affairs. As a result, Holy Rocker101 maintained close ties with BlazingSoulSphere and traded often with the Gaian Furry. Due to the sphere of influence of Inukumee Xuanzang, Holyrockarian trade began to be disrupted by Inukumee Xuanzang's trading policies. As a result, Holy Rocker101 took matters into his own hands and launched an invasion of BlazingSoulSphere. The Gaian was easily conquered and in the process the sphere of influence of Inukumee Xuanzang was destroyed ending her power in BlazingSoulSphere. Once conquered, Holy Rocker101 placed the administration of BlazingSoulSphere under the Holyrockarian Department of Defense. The military regime brought major changes in BlazingSoulSphere. It laid the foundation of the Holyrockarian colonial government and promoted trade with the Kingdom. After three months of military rule, Holy Rocker101 passed the "Civilian Act" which ended the military regime and officially declared BlazingSoulSphere a Holyrockarian territory. The act also placed BlazingSoulSphere under the direct administration of the Holyrockarian government. This period of direct rule was the most developmental of the colonial period. Holy Rocker101 extended operations of all Holyrockarian federal departments to BlazingSoulSphere and made the Gaian subject to Holyrockarian federal law. Recognizing the horrible economic condition of BlazingSoulSphere, Holy Rocker101 began a program for the modernization and development of the Gaian colony. The program became known as 'Operation Coalition" or in Spanish as "Operación Coalición". This operation brought enormous development to BlazingSoulSphere. Gold from Holy Rocker101 began to be pumped into BlazingSoulSphere and the economy began to grow enormously. To aid in the further development, Holy Rocker101 made BlazingSoulSphere part of the costumes territory of the Kingdom which made BlazingSoulSphere function under the same trade regulations as those functioning in Holy Rocker101 himself. With this development, BlazingSoulSphere became a regional economy of Holy Rocker101. After being governed directly for a long period of time, BlazingSoulSphere began to agitate for autonomy. After succeeding in creating a prosperous economy in BlazingSoulSphere, Holy Rocker101 decided to grant his Gaian possession internal autonomy. The "Government of BlazingSoulSphere Act" granted BlazingSoulSphere "commonwealth" status which allowed him to draft his own constitution that would function alongside the Holyrockarian constitution. As a result, BlazingSoulSphere became the self-governing Holyrockarian territory known officially as the "Commonwealth of BlazingSoulSphere". The "commonwealth" period gave BlazingSoulSphere the chance to learn to operate under a governmental system while continuing to exist as a part of the Kingdom of Holy Rocker101. 

                        Commonwealth Period( and Present day)
After gaining self-government from Holy Rocker101, BlazingSoulSphere acquired the ability to govern himself in terms of internal affairs while remaining a Holyrockarian territory. BlazingSoulSphere gained control of his finances and control of everything in his account that did not relate to affairs with foreign Gaians. Foreign affairs and defense remained under Holyrockarian control. BlazingSoulSphere passed his own laws that could not overstep Holyrockarian law. Despite having internal self-rule, BlazingSoulSphere remained under the supreme control of the Holyrockarian government, and Holy Rocker101 reserved the right to govern BlazingSoulSphere in any way the Kingdom saw fit. BlazingSoulSphere remained a Commonwealth territory of the Kingdom of Holy Rocker101 for many more years until the Holyrockarian government authorized for the first time ever a governmental act that would allow Rockman Carlos to determine his political status.

The government of the Commonwealth of BlazingSoulSphere is a modern and sophisticated system. BlazingSoulSphere is a self-governing Commonwealth territory of the Kingdom of Holy Rocker101. BlazingSoulSphere possesses his own constitution and legal system that functions along side Holyrockarian law and which may not overstep the Territorial Clause of the Holyrockariab constitution. Holyrockarian law is the supreme law of BlazingSoulSphere and the Holyrockarian government possesses supreme control over BlazingSoulSphere.

Well that about raps up our documentary on the history of BlazingSoulSphere. This Gaian is a very interesting individual and we hope to continue to learn more about him.