Air Gear: Live Your Life
Dear, Air Gear: The Sky Is Ours Guild

We of the Air Gear: Live Your Live Guild of Gaia have seen the information you have out, put up by one Itachi Sun-God. We request that you remove all information from the Guild immediately or we will be forced to use Mod interference to get the information that our Mods have so painstakingly spent the better part of a year making and revamping, removed. We do not wish for this to escalate further than it has to so please comply within seven days or we will be forced to report you for plagiarism.

Sincerely, The Air Gear: Live Your Life Guild of Gaia

I will be posting this both here and creating it's own thread for it. If you have not complied within seven days I will be taking further action on behalf of the guild.
I myself would also like you to know that you have greatly upset and hurt many of our guilds most helpful and giving members with your actions.