This is a vampire role playing game that I have been wanting to do for some while and here is a Quick tip on how to play by me and other experienced players.

If you are wondering why there is so much on your character sheet you woll soon find out.

For rolling the dice:
Say your in combat and you are trying to fight your way out there are simple things to remember. If it would sound like it should be rolled together it probably does. i will give some examples after this post.

how you do this is by picking the attribute and ability that matches your action and lable it like this **. so i will look something like

"you d**k*using dexterity and melee to stake you "name of target"* then you roll your dice pool ( the combined dots of both dexterity and melee)and see if you get enough success to hit

Your target gets a chance do dodge,parry ,block,or to take the damage
and that will look like this

"what you gonna do hit me"*rolls dexterity and doge to avoid the stake*

on more success than the attacker he is able to move out of the way. If not he gets hit and the attacker rolls his strength and adds weapon damage and dots of potence in for damage. In the case of staking like above if the attacker wins the conflict and is able to get a chance to roll to immobilize the vampire ( STAKES DO NOT KILL A VAMPIRE) by rolling your strength and survival or strength and medicine. YOU HAVE TO GET AT LEAST # SUCCESSES