Welcome To The MiniShop Lovers Guild!

Are you constantly browsing the minishops forums? Are you a proud owner of an online shop? Are You constantly chatting in a shop? Are you just semi-sortof into the idea of minishops? Then this is the guild for you. Here are just some of the cool things we do around here.

Advertise Our Shops

Affillate With New Friends

Chat About the Latest Shop Fads

Sing Campfire Songs While Roasting Virtual Marshmellows!

So C'mon and join us! And have a whole ton of fun while your doing it. We assure you that you will never, ever, ever be bored in this guild, our forums are always bustling with posts, and our members are always ready to make new friends. Join the fun at the Mini Shop Lovers Guild!

SubForum List

Mini Shops
That's Right! We have our own little Mini Shops Forum, Sell And Buy Art From Other Members!

Make Or Participate in lots of contests! Win gold, items, or whatever else they may be offering!

Role Playing
Our very own RP forum. Create adventures to share with the whole guild!