NOTE: G-VOM has nothing to do with the practice of "vending" on gaia, as in buying and selling things on the market. Think of "vending" here as more of a novelty.

A machine with the word G-VOM leans against a brick building, facing a moonlight street. A light hangs above the machine, bathing in it a gentle light, giving it the an almost-angelic luminescence; quite a contrast to the duller shades of its surroundings. Of course, the atmosphere is only an illusion.
The machine stays put 24 hours a day, while the atmosphere was created by it's owner, to give personality to the charitable metallic golem. A loyal group of people can be spotted during the day, hovering around or even on top of the vending machine. They are the caretakers, the defenders, and the lovers of convenient snacking.


Those who know what keys to press, can enter a quiet guild for socializing, relaxing, and of course, snacking. The G-VOM Guild

A list of official rules will be decided upon soon