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This guild is for anime and manga lovers! Forums can be found here where you can talk about your favorite anime or manga. But that’s not all! Although this guild is basically for anime and manga, I will also be including forums where you can talk about your favorite books, movies, and TV shows! Now, there are a few rules you MUST follow while in this guild

1. Everything MUST be kept at a PG-13 or below rating, preferably below.

2. No curse words or vulgar meanings and/or references, not even misspelled ones.

3. Please be lit or semi lit on the boards. I need to understand what you are saying or talking about.

4. Do not give out personal information to anyone and don't ask for it from someone else!

5. Be nice here, don't judge people or bully them. Don't get angry with any one if they like something or feel differently than you.

6. Please try to post here often, or at least once a week. If you know that you will not be posting for a while but still want to be a member, please PM me about your situation and we’ll work something out. If I see you have not posted in 2 weeks, I will PM you about it to find out if you are still interested in the forum. If I don’t get an answer within 2 weeks, I will knock you off the members list.

If any one breaks these rules, except for number 6, I will PM you a warning. If you break a rule a 2nd time, you will be knocked off the members list.

When you send in a request to join all I ask from you is to say why you wish to join and that you have read the rules and agree to them. You will get a reply in at least 72 hours.

This forum will be well monitored by myself and my mom. I want this forum to always be safe for everyone to come here and have a blast! I want you to enjoy talking to others about things you like and love! Thank you!

<img src="http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk134/Neko-Shingami/P.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>
<img src="http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk134/Neko-Shingami/gundam20wing.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>
<img src="http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk134/Neko-Shingami/a0fe1fcd.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>