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Welcome to Just Another Poll Guild and Hangout!
Our guild welcomes everyone and is a fun place to chat, make friends and hangout.
Please check out the guild rules before posting^^

    +Mass Spam: Bumping threads, lotsa spam, selling items, advertising!
    +The Game Hall: Word games, contests and lottos too!

    --General Rules--
    1. Follow Gaia's TOS.
    2. All new threads must have a poll! Of course. xD
    3. No flaming, fighting, begging, or cybering in the guild. We is friendly.
    4. No stretching the page or things like long bump posts.

    PM the main crew account (.poll w h o r e s) with any problems or questions and we will help. ;3

To join: In your join request, just tell us that you wish to join! Nothing specific is required, just don't leave it blank.

Thank you for checking out our guild, hope to see you in here making polls soon! whee