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Merry Meet to all Friends, Pagan or otherwise!
We are a guild, dedicated to Paganism and Wicca! Any and all are welcome here, to learn or teach about the religion!
Inside our guild you will find Forums Dedicated to learning ( A School of sorts ) As well as a forum for Pagan/Wiccan Poetry and writings along with a list of authors and books that may be helpful. Web-sites will soon be added. Our staff is dedicated to answering questions and also learning from your experiences.

We are looking for ACTIVE members only!

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We Have Affiliates!
Check out the Witchs Corner, a news letter/paper here on Gaia!

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Just some basic Rules
1) Please remember to be polite, weather you are pagan or not it doesnt matter, we want to help others learn aswell as teach eachother.
2) Keep with the Rules and Guildlines of GGN, we dont want to get shut down for anything! See TOS if you want to know the rules
3) Please, do not join to bash others for there oppinions, if you have a problem with another member, message Marii McKane and the problem will be handled!
If you'd like to join our Guild...

Please answer and submit the following questions when requesting to join, but also know that these questions are for our eyes only and not displayed for everyone. It does not truly matter how much experience, if any, you have or your personal faith. By answering these questions you are enabling us to get to know you a little and know how to better accommodate your interests/needs.

1) How long have you practiced/held an interest in witchcraft and/or of a pagan faith?

2) What is your current faith/practice/lifestyle (ex. christian/pagan/wiccan/asatru/gypsy/etc.)

3) What would you say has been the biggest influence to in finding your path? (ex. A teacher, a particular author, connection to certain deities, and etc.)

4) What interested you in our guild?

5) How active do you think you will be in the guild?

6) What are your interests in the occult and how may we best assist you in your journey?