this is a place for all furries and anthros of gaia, no specific animal, no specific type or anything like that, the only requirment is that you be a furry or a furry fan.

The rules are
keep it PG-13, if you want to go above that, do it in PMs.
No hating on people because of their art or what their art is based on.
follow the gaia ToS
have fun!
Ok people, I'm getting tired of all the people that join and aren't active. I've seen hardly any of the people that join. So new rule YOU MUST BE ACTIVE

Also, remember this, we will be looking at your post history, if we find anything that could be considered offensive to others, you're declined. If we can't find a post history, you're declined too.

more rules will be added if I see necessary

any haters that lie to join and post hate comments or insult all furries will be instantly banned and reported. you have been warned

Pudgy Furs GuildUser Image