Do you love crafting?

Do you love cosplay?

Then welcome to Cosplay Crafters heart

It doesn't matter if you are at beginner level of nekomimi or an insane fiberglass mecha maker. This guild is for us to get along, teach, learn and enjoy our love of building our cosplays.

If you are not a crafter, do not worry, there is still place for you in this group. Just have an interest in either crafts. Never know what'll you'll learn or get interested in.

Remember the rules
1. Respect one another.
2. Abide by Gaia's TOS
3. Have Fun
(more rules can be added as the guild grows)

To apply, please submit this application form

Crafter yes/no
Cosplayer yes/no
Years of cosplaying if applicable
Reason for joining

For those who are upset there is an entry fee, please note that the fee is for the guild to get sub pages and guild improvements. Feel free to donate more if you like.