This is a Role Playing Guild for Gaians to be Magical or Mythical creatures. They can also make their characters be Human. This Guild is cost free, but you may always give a donation. I, your captain will always be here to answer any questions you have about the guild, any of its members, or any of its role plays. If you have any troubles please contact me or any of the crew members and they will assist you in any and every way possible.

Main Description
This guild can have as many Role Plays as its members want and need, the main Profile forum will explain further on how to make your characters. Now the reason why I made a Profile forum is so that I can keep track of all the characters. This guild is mainly for role playing as Magical Creatures, Mythical Creatures, Mythical Legends, and Humans.

How to make a Profile
{ 1. } Find a Role Play that you would like to join and send a request to join to the creator of the Role Play.
{ 2. } Once permitted to join a Role Play you first begin with making your first character's Profile in the main Profile forum. (Will be explained further in Profile Forum)
{ 3. } Once you have finished your character's Profile, you follow the instructions given by the creator of the Role Play you joined or just jump in and start Role Playing. It is up to the Creator on which choice you must do.

* Rules *
{ 1. } Follow Gaia's T.O.S...
{ 2. } Keep Swearing and Inappropriate actions to a minimum level. (In other Words, stick to PG-13)

That's pretty much it. Like I pointed out earlier, if you have any concerns or questions about anything concerning this guild or its members please contact me or one of the crew members.

Thank you for Reading,