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Mods: Kericalynn&dArtemidorus - the world
Inspiration: House of Night Series
Photography: Photobucket&Google

Marked maekt, ma'kt verb 1.a the act oh spointaneous placement of an outlined crescent moon tattoo on the forhead of a human teenager, signifying the beginning of a physiological and sociological metamorphosis which culminates in either vampyrism or death..

Merry Meet, Fledgling.
Welcome to a new life, a new world, and you. Welcome to the house of night! In this school you will be introduced to the rich history of vampyres, the foundations of several major rituals, as well as the many faces of Nyx, and, finally, you will be awarded a beginners look at the biological miracle that is the change.
Quite simply you are no longer a normal human teenager. You are a fledgling. Which means you are now held to a higher standard of behavior than human young. Fledglings do not steal, lie, or cheat. While we, your vampyre elders, do understand all young people make mistakes, the consequence for consistent fledgling misbehavior is to be exspelled from the House of Night. Please refer to the biology chapter for the end result of not being included in a vampyre coven. You may contact the professor of your new homeroom for handouts specific to your house of Night's Class hours and lists of elective choices, as well as curfew and cafeteria scedules.